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Contact numbers for health-related complaints

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The Hindu             19.11.2013

Contact numbers for health-related complaints

Staff Reporter

The Tiruchirapalli City Corporation has appealed to city residents to take precautionary measures to prevent outbreak of diseases during monsoon. The civic body has come out with contact numbers – 76395-33000 and 76395-66000 – for health-related complaints. The Corporation Commissioner, V.P. Thandapani, in a press release, said street plays were being conducted in various parts of the city to drive home the precautionary measures needed to prevent outbreak of diseases. The commissioner has appealed to residents to consume boiled water and avoid defecating in open places.

Residents have been asked to prevent the piling up of plastic cups, unused tyres, and other wastes to prevent mosquito breeding and check outbreak of dengue .

The civic body has also appealed to residents to desist from throwing plastic wastes in storm water drains and drainage channels to prevent water logging.