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Drainage channel being cleaned

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The Hindu 09.12.2009

Drainage channel being cleaned

Special Correspondent

More than 80 sanitary workers are pressed into service; drive to continue

— Photo: M.Moorthy

Clean work: Sanitary workers of Tiruchi Corporation engaged in clearing the block in a main drainage channel at Gandhi Market on Tuesday.

TIRUCHI: The Tiruchi Corporation took special steps on Tuesday and started massive cleaning of the stormwater drainage in the Gandhi market by removing the silt that completely blocked flow of water for the past few years.

More than 80 sanitary workers were pressed into service and earth moving equipment were used to remove the silt and the entire cleaning work would be carried out continuously for four days.

The work was supervised by Corporation city engineer S. Raja Mohamed, City Health Officer K. C. Cheran, Executive Engineer S. Arunachalam and other officials.

Mayor S. Sujatha convened a meeting of officials including Corporation Commissioner T. T. Balsamy two days ago for taking immediate steps to clean the drainage which had caused hardship to the people during rain and posed a health hazard.

Official sources said that the shopkeepers near the drainage channels had vacated their shops on their own and facilitated cleaning of the channels.

Silt was removed for about 200-ft stretch on the first day on Tuesday.

They pointed out that all vegetable and other waste materials in the market were being removed twice a day by the sanitary workers.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 09 December 2009 03:18