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Underground drainage work to be inspected today

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The Hindu 22.12.2009

Underground drainage work to be inspected today

Syed Muthahar Saqaf and M. Balaganessin

PUDUKOTTAI: The underground drainage work being executed by the Tamil Nadu Water Supply And Drainage (TWAD) Board in the municipal limits is progressing fast and expected to be completed by next September.

Special teams formed on the direction of Collector A. Suganthi and comprising officials of the Municipality and the TWAD Board will inspect the work on Tuesday to ascertain the extent of work completed, municipal sources told The Hindu on Monday.

Work on the execution of the project began in April this year. The project was conceived at a cost of Rs.32.16 crore but later revised to Rs. 49 crore. The project covered national and State highways, municipal and other roads to a cumulative length of 165 km.

The municipality will undertake the work of relaying all the roads after the completion of the drainage work for which it will be in need of funds to the tune of Rs.15 crore. It has planned to submit a proposal seeking funds to the government. However, without waiting till the entire completion of the project for taking up the relaying process, the municipality has recently taken an initiative on 10 roads, including three roads covered under the project, on an outlay of Rs.32 lakh.

Work has been completed on 41 roads. The Pudukottai District Chamber of Commerce, recently, submitted a memorandum to the Collector, demanding expeditious execution of the work on re-laying the roads where the project had been completed, as the damaged roads caused much difficulty to all sections of the society in general and traders in particular.

The district administration closely monitored the project’s progress and quality of work, the Collector said.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 22 December 2009 02:08