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Complaints over garbage growing

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Deccan Chronicle 30.12.2009

Complaints over garbage growing

December 30th, 2009
By Our Correspondent

Dec. 29: Garbage is piling up in parts of Chennai, which has been outsourced to Delhi-based Neel Metal Fanalca for clearing garbage. The residents feel that the NMF has to improve a lot while handling the solid waste.

“Several streets in and around Choolai and Vepery are not swept on a daily basis and the situation is really bad, the residents here feel that the situation was comparatively better when the corporation staff were clearing the garbage earlier,” alleged Mr K. Dharmendar a resident of Madox street. “All our complaints to the local staff had fallen on deaf ears and there is no proper response so far,” he said.

According to corporation sources, the NMF was facing a shortage of staff due to the Sabarimala and festival season. NMF had improved a lot but needs more expertise in handling the situation during festival times, sources added.

When contacted, Mr G. Thirugnansambandham, vice president, NMF admitted that there might be a few stray incidents of garbage stagnation. In fact the number of such complaints in this regard has reduced in the past few months. However, NMF would take all efforts to ensure that the public grievances are addressed at the earliest. Our field supervisors have been instructed to ensure quality work during festival times, he added.

It may be recalled that the city corporation in association with Neel Metal Fanalca removes garbage in Triplicane, Kodambakkam, Adyar and Pulianthope.