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Waste from three municipalities to be disposed of at Vellalore yard

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The Hindu 31.12.2009

Waste from three municipalities to be disposed of at Vellalore yard

Special Correspondent

Corporation decides to allow Kurichi, Kuniamuthur and Kavundampalayam to use the facility

Photo: K.Ananthan

COMMON GROUND: Municipalities near the city plan to dispose of waste at the Coimbatore Corporation’s compost yard at Vellalore. —

COIMBATORE: Scarcity of land for the disposal of garbage in their areas has prompted the municipalities located on the city’s border to join the Coimbatore Corporation in its Integrated Solid Waste Management Programme.

Through a resolution passed at its Council meeting on Tuesday, the Corporation decided to allow the municipalities of Kurichi, Kuniamuthur and Kavundampalayam to dump the waste at the Vellalore yard when facilities for landfill and composting of waste would be completed.

The Corporation is implementing the scheme at Rs.96 crore under the Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission.

It has already put its sanitary workers and inspectors through a training programme on door-to-door collection and other aspects of primary collection such as segregation of waste at source. Those trained are also educating the public on segregation.

While the Corporation is into this task on its territory, the municipalities have already begun door-to-door collection in many of their wards, but they collect non-segregated waste.

Now, they intend to use the Corporation’s composting and landfill facilities that are being established at its compost yard at Vellalore.

Official sources said on Wednesday that the municipalities could bring non-segregated waste now.

But, they would have to implement segregation of waste (storing biodegradable and non-biodegradable garbage in separate bins) in their areas as only segregated waste could be brought to the yard after the Corporation’s facilities were commissioned.

Through a process of scientific closure, the Corporation was already into disposing of tonnes of waste accumulated at the yard over many years.

The non-segregated waste from the municipalities would be disposed of along with this for the time being, the sources said.

Once the new facilities are in place, fresh waste, including those from the municipalities, will be disposed of every day.

The Corporation placed in its Council on Tuesday a resolution on accepting at the yard the waste from Kavundampalayam Municipality on the city’s north-west border and Kurichi and Kuniamuthur Municipalities on the southern border.

These municipalities have seen a sharp rise in the number of housing colonies over the last few years and are struggling to dispose of the waste generated in these areas.

These municipalities adopted resolutions at their Council meetings to request the Corporation for sanction to send the waste to the yard at Vellalore.

Last Updated on Thursday, 31 December 2009 04:45