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Work on drainage channel begins

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The Hindu 06.01.2010

Work on drainage channel begins

Staff Reporter

To avoid overflowing and stagnation of waste

Photo: E. Lakshmi Narayanan

Improving facilities: Salem Corporation has begun work on the construction of a new drainage channel in Podarankadu in Salem. —

SALEM: The construction of a drainage channel in Podarankadu in Ward 50 here began recently.

The work was taken up following widespread complaints from the public.

Sewage from the households and commercial establishments stagnates on a vacant land in the area posing serious health risks to people in the colony.

Adding to the woes, sewage overflows from a heavily-silted channel that carries waste water from the residential colonies in Uthirappan Kadu, and enters into Podarankadu.

Almost all the streets in the area are flooded during rain.

Sewage water mixed with rainwater enters into the houses, residents complain.

The foul smell emanating from the stagnated sewage has become unbearable these days. The mosquito menace has increased to alarming proportions.

The civic body allotted Rs. 10 lakh for the construction of a drainage channel.

A proper drainage system will be established in the area by construction of more channels, officials added.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 06 January 2010 02:28