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Garbage heaps make life miserable for Kanchi Nagar residents

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The Hindu 25.01.2010

Garbage heaps make life miserable for Kanchi Nagar residents

Special Correspondent

People say that waste is not cleared away regularly


Middle and low income groups live in the area

There are large potholes in many of the streets

Photo: E. Lakshmi Narayanan

Unhygienic conditions: Garbage heaps pose health hazard in Kanchi Nagar in ward 50 in Salem. —

SALEM: Kanchi Nagar near Nethimedu here stinks. Garbage piling up for the past 45 days remains in the residential colony without being cleared away, leading to serious health hazards to the residents of the locality in ward 50.


People of middle and low income groups live here, eking out a livelihood with much struggle to make both ends meets.

Many of them are labourers whose family members depend on their meagre daily wages.

“We still send our children to schools near-by and maintain our locality neat and tidy as far as we can,” said a resident.

The streets are damaged. Many of them sport huge potholes and craters.

“No official, or for that matter, even the ward councillor, visits us and asks about our grievances,” said a woman.

Each and every lane in the colony has heaps of garbage remaining for days and spreading flies and mosquitoes in abundance.

The people claim that they often fall ill. Their children are the worst affected.

With no basic amenities, they languish not only in poverty but also in the stinking environment.

‘No action’

The residents charge that no action has so far been taken to remove the garbage from the locality despite their repeated petitions.

They insist that Corporation authorities must visit the colony and provide them all necessary basic amenities so that they could lead a healthy life in a clean environment.

Last Updated on Monday, 25 January 2010 04:43