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ISO certification: Assessment of maternity centres on

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The Hindu 18.02.2010

ISO certification: Assessment of maternity centres on

Special Correspondent

Photo: K. Ananthan

Run-up:ISO certification consultant B. Sivakumar

COIMBATORE: The Coimbatore Corporation is confident of obtaining ISO certification for its maternity centres. Officials in the civic body said on Wednesday that the confidence was based on the indications from a quality assessment team that the centres were functioning well.

A team led by ISO consultant B. Shivakumar studied the functioning of 20 maternity centres on Tuesday and Wednesday. Assistant City Health Officer R. Sumathi was present. The team indicated that the staffing pattern, the workflow, the availability of paramedics and equipment were all satisfactory.

The Corporation had recently purchased machines with digital display for weighing newborns, needle shredders, dopplers, pulse oximeters and induction stoves. They explained that the run-up to the certification would have a stringent assessment of patient satisfaction, hygiene, availability of doctors and paramedical staff and also the disposal of bio-medical waste.

The team was expected to submit a report of the two-day study to Corporation Commissioner Anshul Mishra early next week.

Last Updated on Thursday, 18 February 2010 05:05