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Public Health / Sanitation

Toilet complex with solar-powered lights on Amma Mandapam Road

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The Hindu                      04.04.2013 

Toilet complex with solar-powered lights on Amma Mandapam Road

clean mission:Modern toilets being placed on the Amma Mandapam Road in Sriranagam on Wednesday. —Photo: M. Moorthy
clean mission:Modern toilets being placed on the Amma Mandapam Road in Sriranagam on Wednesday. —Photo: M. Moorthy

As part of its efforts to eliminate open defecation, the Tiruchirapalli City Corporation is putting up a modern temporary toilet complex on the Cauvery river bank on the Amma Mandapam Road.

The pre-fabricated structure comes fitted with solar-powered lights.

Apart from separate cubicles for men and women, it will include a specially designed toilet for the differently abled.

The complex has been established on the Veereswaram Road-Amma Mandapam Road junction where open defecation is found to be rampant along the river bank. The toilet, corporation officials hope, would help put an end to the practice. The toilet will be thrown open for public use over the next few days after it is linked to the underground sewer lines by laying pipelines using trenchless technology to avoid road-cutting.

On Wednesday, Mayor A. Jaya along with zonal chairpersons J. Srinivasan, R. Gnanaekaran, and M. Latha inspected the toilet. The toilet would be cleaned regularly round-the-clock, Ms. Jaya said. The corporation is planning to establish more such toilets across the city to achieve its plan to rid the city of open defecation by 2015.


Marina beach clean-up: civic body says it needs three months

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The Hindu                      04.04.2013

Marina beach clean-up: civic body says it needs three months

Legally boundA petition filed at the Madras High Court questioned the Chennai Corporation’s failure to evict temporary shops and stalls on Marina Beach —Photo: K. Pichumani

Legally boundA petition filed at the Madras High Court questioned the Chennai Corporation’s failure to evict temporary shops and stalls on Marina Beach —Photo: K. Pichumani

The Chennai Corporation is proposing to frame a scheme for hawkers on Marina Beach that will not affect their livelihood and will also provide certain facilities to beach-users.

This will be done in a regulated manner so it does not have an adverse impact on the environment as well as on local hygiene and sanitation.

This was the civic body’s response before the First Bench of the Madras High Court comprising acting Chief Justice R.K. Agrawal and Justice N. Paul Vasanthakumar, to a writ petition by K. Balaji, president, Gandhiji Consumer Forum.

The petitioner said that Marina Beach was in a pathetic and shabby condition. Foreign tourists were afraid of coming to the beach. Through their negligence, the authorities had allowed hundreds of small shops and vendors to operate all over the beach. Because of their failure to implement the Food Safety and Standards Act, substandard and unhygienic food was being sold there.

During the last hearing, the Bench had granted an interim injunction, restraining the authorities from allowing anybody to operate businesses and run shops, eateries, etc on the entire stretch of the Marina so as to maintain its pristine beauty.

When the matter came up again, the petitioner submitted that in spite of the interim order, no action had been taken by the Corporation to evict the temporary shops.

In its counter, the Corporation Commissioner said the civic body had not allowed anybody to run businesses on the beach. It did not collect any rent or fees from any of them. The hawkers were doing business there without permission. The Corporation proposed to regulate the hawkers by prohibiting the installation of any permanent structures. It had started an enumeration of the hawkers and required at least three months to implement the scheme.

Following this, the court adjourned the matter to June 4 to enable the Corporation to show progress in the implementation of its proposed scheme.


Madurai corporation has task cut out in declogging Vaigai

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The Times of India                  02.04.2013

Madurai corporation has task cut out in declogging Vaigai

MADURAI: It is proving to be tough task for the Madurai City Corporation (MCC) that attempted to remove water hyacinths from Vaigai river in one day after public activists ventured into the river to do it by themselves due to mosquito menace. Various factors, mosquitoes being one, are making it the job difficult for the civic body though the officials confirmed that they will complete it in a fortnight.

MCC started weeding out water hyacinths from the river from last Tuesday after people from the riverbed areas, particularly Ismailpuram, led by Madurai South MLA R Annadurai tried to address the never-ending mosquito menace. Water hyacinths in the river were found to be one breeding ground within the city for the mosquitoes. Residents affected by mosquito onslaught felt self-help is the best course of action as no effective action was forthcoming from the civic body.

As public began clearing the hyacinths clogging the Vaigai, the corporation officials decided to be active in the war against mosquitoes. Initially, civic officials felt the hyacinths could be cleared in a day's time. But the task may take more than 15 days, officials said.

The civic body has deployed one earth mover and a team of 10 to 20 sanitary workers for declogging the Vaigai.

Along with many problems like deploying men and machinery, the determined mosquitoes are not ready to give away their favourite grounds. The operator of earth mover has to ward off mosquitoes while woking. "The swarming of mosquito is unbearable and we get allergic to the stagnant water which is more of sewage," commented a sanitary worker who did not want to be quoted.

Official sources from the city corporation said that the civic body took the task out of its own interest though it the task belonged to the Public Works Department. "Corporation took up the work after the mosquito menace became intolerable near the riverbeds. But what looked like a one day work keeps prolonging days together. The earth mover develops technical snags due to swampy terrain in the river and works had to proceed at slower pace due to mosquitoes," a senior official from the corporation said.

MLA, R Annadurai said that the task was not easy as thought. "Even we were not able to bear the mosquitoes when we tried to clean and corporation officials said that the workers are to be given special type of uniforms to protect themselves from the mosquito bites," he said.

Corporation Commissioner R Nanthagopal said that the work was challenging as they had to use both men and machinery in a systematic manner. "We can't use the machinery more in swampy terrain and manual force had to be used for cleaning. The workers are given masks, gloves and boots and they are asked to wear them, but they don't adhere to our instructions," he said. "We will ensure that the works are completed by all means and the water hyacinths will be completely removed from the river in city areas," he said.
Last Updated on Tuesday, 02 April 2013 11:55

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