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Public Health / Sanitation

Campaign to keep channel clean

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The Hindu   11.08.2012

Campaign to keep channel clean

D. Radhakrishnan

It has become an eyesore and a health threat

Mass effort:Municipal workers cleaning the Kodappamund channel in Udhagamandalam on Friday. —Photo: M. Sathyamoorthy
Mass effort:Municipal workers cleaning the Kodappamund channel in Udhagamandalam on Friday. —Photo: M. Sathyamoorthy

Off and on in the news for its appalling condition and role in either flooding low level areas or aggravating pollution related problems in the Ooty Lake, the Kodappamund channel, which runs through the town is once again in focus.

This time things have started looking up on the channel front. With those at the helm of affairs in the state municipal administration and pollution control underscoring the need to maintain the channel properly, the civic authorities here have put in place a plan of action to clean it.Speaking to The Hindu here on Friday, Municipal Commissioner K. Sivakumar said that a mass cleaning campaign has been set in motion.

As part of it, scores of conservancy workers of the municipality will over the next few days clean different parts of the channel which extends from Kodappamund at one end of the town to the Mini Garden at the other end. Subsequently, weekly maintenance works will be taken up.

To a question, he said that garbage accumulation inside the channel would not be allowed.The workers will be provided with protective accessories like gloves and gum boots and they will also be given the necessary tools. Precautions on the health front will also be taken.

Welcoming the initiative of the municipality, observers hoped that the channel would no longer be a source of concern.

Pointing out that it had come into being about three decades ago consequent to a deluge in 1978 which had played havoc and claimed several lives, they said that its main purpose was to facilitate free flow of storm water and prevent low-lying areas from getting flooded.

Regrettably for the past several years it was not serving its purpose fully.On the contrary, it had become an eyesore and a health threat.

People were reluctant to walk along the channel and also looked at it warily during heavy rains.Several lakhs of rupees spent over the years on desilting the channel notwithstanding, its condition has not improved.

While the people are blaming the municipality and other departments for the sorry state of affairs, officials are attributing its present condition to lack of resources and poor civic sense among both the local people and tourists. They said that it was one of the most misused civic amenities in this hill station.

It has become a dumping place for all kinds of refuse and at many places it has been converted into an open air public convenience. The people should help in keeping it clean, they added.

Last Updated on Saturday, 11 August 2012 04:43

Coimbatore to have another ABC centre

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The Hindu   10.08.2012

Coimbatore to have another ABC centre

Staff Reporter

Even as residents of many localities in the district complain about the increasing menace of street dogs, People for Animals, Unit II, with the support of Animal Welfare Board of India and district administration had initiated the process of opening a new Animal Birth Control (ABC) centre in the district.

Managing trustee of PFA Unit II, Kalpana Vasudevan said, “Coimbatore district had only one centre which is inadequate. More ABC centres were required, at least one in each zone of the district, to successfully carry out the programme. According to the Corporation officials, the process of identifying land for the new centre is under way.

Last Updated on Friday, 10 August 2012 05:59

Corporation in denial mode as infections spread

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The Hindu   08.08.2012

Corporation in denial mode as infections spread

Aloysius Xavier Lopez

The death of a five-year-old child in Meenambal Nagar in Tondiarpet has put Chennai Corporation on the back foot. The mentally-challenged child was admitted to the Government Stanley Hospital with cold, cough, fever and diarrhoea, and passed away on Friday.

Immediately after his death, Chennai Corporation’s health officials admitted his siblings to the Communicable Diseases Hospital in Tondairpet. A release from the Corporation said the children, all between the ages of six years and 18 months, were tested for cholera and since the tests results were negative, they were discharged and sent home on Tuesday.

While the Corporation has tried to assuage people’s fears of bacterial infections, blood samples of a resident of South Boag Road were sent to King Institute of Preventive Medicine on suspicion that she might have leptospirosis. She was hospitalised last week. Two days ago, the test results showed up positive for leptospirosis.

Mohamed Ali, director of Weil and Pasteur Lepto Lab in Raja Annamalaipuram, said the laboratory had seen a 20 per cent increase in number of samples received for testing. Dr. Ali said the samples were mostly from Madhavaram and Kodungaiyur areas where many hospitals specialised in treatment of leptospirosis.

The bacterial infection is generally associated with the rainy season and is caused due to exposure to contaminated stagnant water. But now, his lab received samples even during peak summer, Dr. Ali said.

“When there is rain, contamination spreads faster but water infected with bacteria from rats, cattle or stray dogs, can also spread the infection,” he said.

Leptospire, the bacteria that causes leptospirosis, needs water or moisture to survive. When an infected rat or bandicoot urinates in a dry place, the organism dies, but in wet conditions, it survives for 2-4 weeks and can infect animals and human-beings.

According to a senior Corporation health official, the civic body’s workers have been asked to identify rat burrows along beaches, in godowns, warehouses and railway tracks, and take steps to eliminate the rodents.

Two days ago, a woman’s blood sample tested positive for leptospirosis

Last Updated on Wednesday, 08 August 2012 06:39

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