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Public Health / Sanitation

Stray dogs hamper life in Race Course

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The Times of India             06.01.2014

Stray dogs hamper life in Race Course

COIMBATORE: It is considered one of the most well planned and posh localities in the city. Apart from residents, a large number of people from across the city regularly come to Race Course, either for their morning exercise or to catch up with friends on the concrete benches and metallic chairs provided along the walking/jogging track.

However, the stray dogs roaming the area, often close to the track and inner roads of the locality, is now posing a serious threat to joggers and residents alike, especially during the early morning and late evening hours.

"None of us are against dogs. In fact, most residents are canine lovers. But we just do not want to be bitten by stray dogs. There has to be some check on them.

The scariest part is that they move around in packs and can sometimes be seen chasing children on bicycles," said Sujani Bala, President, Race Course Residents and Neighbhorhood Association (RANA)

According to most walkers, the dogs are more commonly found near the bus stop adjacent to the cluster of eateries and the Southern India Engineering Manufacturers Association (SIEMA) building and on the other end where the Race Course Road deviates, heading towards the district court complex.

"There are a few dogs that always move about in a pack close to the walking track. They usually come out late in the evening and loiter around till morning.

During the day they mostly stay behind the bushes along the walking track or roam in the inner lanes," said C Easwarachandran, a real estate mediator and a regular evening walker for the last 20 years in Race Course.

Pedestrians walking along the route at night are also forced to endure the stray dog menace as once vehicular and public movement slows down, these dogs get bolder and start foraging for leftover waste and garbage dumped in the bins before it is cleared from the spot.

"Dogs and mosquitoes have a free reign late evening. Nothing is being done to control them," said N Santhanam, an auto rickshaw driver who has been servicing the area for the past four years.

V Lawrence, a businessman and a resident of Race Course said that dogs regularly roam in the area. R Sreevatsan, an evening walker at Race Course from Singanallur also spoke about the nuisance of stray dogs in the area.

However, a section of people who frequent the Race Course locality say that dogs should not be harmed. They claimed that the dogs have become familiar with the sight of groups of people regularly walking in the area.

"Yes, there are some stray dogs here. But they should not be harmed as they are accustomed with the presence of people and have not caused any serious harm so far," said VB Padmanabhan, a senior citizen in Race Course.

City corporation commissioner G Latha said that the corporation would intensify its birth control program and ensure that it could control the population of stray dogs in the city.

"We are also planning to intensify the operations with the two dog catching units that will be deployed in the city," Latha added.


Corporation readies vehicles to round up community dogs

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The Hindu              06.01.2014

Corporation readies vehicles to round up community dogs

Staff Reporter

In a few days from now, the Coimbatore Corporation will start catching community dogs as it has readied two vehicles for the purpose.

According to sources, the civic body had purchased two vehicles at Rs. 15 lakh with funds from the State Government. The vehicles have six chambers to hold as many community dogs.

The Government had provided Rs. 10 lakh as grant. The civic body had chipped in with the rest. The Corporation will use the vehicles to transport the mongrels to the two animal birth control centres in the city. It will at present send the animals only to the centre at Seeranaickenpalayam and start taking the dogs to the Ukkadam centre once the construction is complete.

As on date, the Ukkadam centre is nearing completion. The civic body entrusted to People for Animals II the management of the centre.

At the Ukkadam centre, the Corporation has proposed to perform at least 500 animal birth control operations a month.

After the operation, the dogs will get to stay at the centre for a day or two and then return to the areas from where the Corporation workers had caught them.

For the managers of the Ukkadam centre, the Corporation will pay only the operation and maintenance charges. For the managers of the Seeranaickenpalayam centre – Humane Animal Society – the Corporation will also pay for the transportation, if the organisation had transported the dogs.

At present, at the Seeranaickenpalayam centre, the organisation performed more than 100 operations a month.

The sources said that as part of the efforts to control the community dog population, the Corporation had also planned to train five persons as dog catchers. The training would start soon.

The sources said that the Corporation had estimated that there were around 40,000 community dogs in the city.


Pudukottai municipality launches animal birth control campaign

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The Hindu               04.01.2014

Pudukottai municipality launches animal birth control campaign

S.A.S. Sait, Municipal Chairman (in-charge), looking at the van to be utilised for transporting dogs to sterilisation centres in Pudukottai on Friday.
S.A.S. Sait, Municipal Chairman (in-charge), looking at the van to be utilised for transporting dogs to sterilisation centres in Pudukottai on Friday.

Pudukottai municipality has launched an intensive campaign to sterilise stray dogs in the town.

The government has already allotted a van for transporting the dogs to sterilisation centre.

Stray dog menace and the need to check it dominated the discussion of the municipal council meeting held on Monday.

G.Arumugam, Mohan and A.M.Syed Ibrahim Babu (Congress), and Selvam and A.K.Arivudainambi (DMK), complained that the growing number of stray dogs poses a threat to the residents. S.A.S.Sait alias Abdul Rahman, Municipal Chairman (in-charge), explained the guidelines to be followed for checking stray dog menace.

Mr.Sait said the municipal authorities already held discussion with the representative of the Blue Cross for carrying out sterilisation of stray dogs in the town.

A team of six trained people are available with the municipality for the purpose, he said.

J.Subramanian, Municipal Commissioner (in-charge), said that more than 750 stray dogs have been sterilised in the last nine months, with the cooperation of Udayam, a non-governmental organisation.


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