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Over 88 km to be developed under special roads project

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The Hindu  08.10.2010

Over 88 km to be developed under special roads project

Special Correspondent

Rs. 25 crore allotted by the government for the Corporation

Cement concrete roads to be laid for a total distance of about 41 km

Tendering process for the project to be completed by December 15

TIRUCHI: The Tiruchi Corporation has finalised the roads to be taken up for development under the Special Roads Project 2010-11 as per the parameters laid down by the government.

The State government has allotted about Rs.25 crore for the Corporation under the project.

Utilising the funds, the Corporation has decided to develop about 88.16 km of the city roads. Of these, cement concrete roads would be laid for a total distance of about 41 km and strengthen black topped roads to a distance of 47 km, Corporation Commissioner T.T.Balsamy told The Hindu on Thursday.

The entire tendering process for the project would be completed by December 15, by which time the monsoon was expected to subside.

All the works are targeted to be completed by March 31, Mr.Balsamy said.

Though black topping works would be taken up after the rain subsides, work on laying cement concrete works would be begin once the tenders were awarded. The works would be taken up under 32 packages.

Though the Corporation had sought about Rs.37.20 to develop 164.81 km of roads in the city under the project, the list of works have been pruned based on the government allocation now.

The project was announced by the Chief Minister M.Karunanidhi during his Independence Day address for developing roads in urban local bodies across the state with a total allocation of Rs.1,000 crore. The Corporation had taken up a survey to identify the roads to be developed under the project based on parameters laid down by the Directorate of Municipal Administration.

Roads that have not been re-laid over the past five years, those dug up for laying sewer or drinking water lines or damaged by natural calamity are to given priority.

Nearly 40 per cent of the roads identified would be re-laid using paver machines or converted into cement concrete roads.

Last Updated on Friday, 08 October 2010 11:16