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Rs.4.38-crore inner-link road project takes off

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The Hindu       25.11.2010

Rs.4.38-crore inner-link road project takes off

Connecting Anna Nagar Main Road with Cantonment
— Photo:R. Ashok

crossing all hurdles: An earthmover at work as the Anna Nagar link road project work commenced in the city on Wednesday.

TIRUCHI: Work on building an inner-link road that would connect the Anna Nagar Main Road and Cantonment in the city commenced here on Wednesday, after several false starts over the past few years.

The project is estimated to cost about Rs.4.38 crore and a resolution approving the award of re-tenders for the project was finalised at the Corporation Council meeting on Monday.

The project is being taken up utilising a grant of Rs.1.20 crore from the Seed Capital Assistance Scheme of the Department of Town and Country Planning. The remaining portion of the project cost would come by way of loans and from the Corporation general funds.

The link road was originally proposed as part of the Karur Bypass Road, laid over a decade back. The new bridge across the Uyyakondan River, which runs across the city, would provide an alternative road link and help ease the congestion in Thillai Nagar and Woraiyur areas in the city. The Corporation had begun preliminary works by laying kutcha roads along the Uyyankondan River and the District Court complex building last year, but the work had come to a halt after some time.

The Corporation has obtained the ‘enter upon permission,' for the land belonging to District Court. The Corporation has also built a compound wall for the complex as part of a land transfer agreement. The civic body has also acquired some private lands for the project.

The new link road would be laid for about 685 metres at a cost of Rs.1.84 crore, while the bridge, running for a length of 35.60 metres and a width of 10.5 metres, would cost another Rs.1.79 crore. This apart, the project would entail construction of storm water drains on either sides along the new link road at an estimated cost of Rs.75 lakh.

While work on the bridge portion is expected to begin only after the irrigation season is over next year, work on laying the roads has been taken up now. On Wednesday, Mayor S.Sujatha; Corporation Commissioner T.T.Balsamy; Deputy Mayor M.Anbazhagan and officials inspected the site . The project is expected to be completed in about 18 months.