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Corporation gets helping hand for conservancy work

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The Hindu                          23.02.2013 

Corporation gets helping hand for conservancy work

plenty on its platterFrom new budget restaurants to flashy LED streetlights, the civic body has a lot to offer city residents. Friday’s Corporation council meeting discussed these and many other resolutions in detail —Photos: R. Ravindran and M. Karunakaran
plenty on its platterFrom new budget restaurants to flashy LED streetlights, the civic body has a lot to offer city residents. Friday’s Corporation council meeting discussed these and many other resolutions in detail —Photos: R. Ravindran and M. Karunakaran.

Credai to maintain 12 roads.

The Confederation of Real Estate Developers Association of India (Credai) – Chennai will shoulder the responsibility of conservancy and maintenance on 12 roads in the city.

The Chennai Corporation council on Friday passed a resolution permitting Credai to carry out conservancy operation and maintenance on Purasawalkam High Road, Gangadeeswarar Koil Street, Raja Annamalai Road, Narayana Guru Salai, EVK Sampath Salai, Jothi Venkatachalam Salai, Vepery High Road, Raja Muthiah Road, Gandhi Irwin Road, Police Commissioner Office Road, Pantheon Road and Whannels Road.

Credai will display its name on footpaths where it carries out maintenance work. Private workers employed by Credai will sweep the roads and footpaths twice a day.

The workers will clean roads and medians and remove stains. They will also wash signage, street furniture and medians on these stretches. The workers have also been asked to advise people against spitting on roads.

Sanitary workers of the Corporation will not carry out conservancy operations on the 12 roads but the electrical department of the civic body will continue to replace streetlights on these stretches.

Watering of plants on medians and traffic islands, removal of unauthorised banners and wall posters, and pruning of trees along the roads will also be undertaken by Credai.

The Corporation will, however, continue to remove encroachments on the roads and regulate parking lots.

Credai will maintain records of the work done on the stretches and submit a report to the Chennai Corporation. The Corporation council will annul the memorandum of understanding with Credai if their work is found to be inadequate.

On Friday, the Council also decided to seek a grant of Rs. 100 crore to improve street lighting in the newly-added areas of the city. It needs at least Rs. 298 crore for streetlights.

The old streetlights will be replaced by energy-efficient and long-lasting LED lights.

Last Updated on Saturday, 23 February 2013 08:56