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Plan to widen two roads

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The Hindu             19.11.2013

Plan to widen two roads

Corporation council meeting in progress in Tirunelveli on Monday.Photo: A. SHAIKMOHIDEEN
Corporation council meeting in progress in Tirunelveli on Monday.Photo: A. SHAIKMOHIDEEN

If Mayor Vijila Sathyananth’s assurance in the Council Meeting held here on Monday gets translated into action, two busy roads in the twin towns of Tirunelveli and Palayamkottai will be widened soon to facilitate free movement of vehicles.

Responding to complaints from councillors at the meeting, Ms.Vijila said the S.N. High Road-Kulavanigarpuram stretch and the S.N. High Road-KTC Nagar stretch via Palayamkottai Gandhi Market would be widened in consultation with the district administration and the departments concerned. “After removing encroachments, pavements and storm water drains would be created on both sides of these roads. Medians would also be erected. Adequate funds would be earmarked for this exercise this fiscal,” said Ms.Vijila.

When Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam member Kamaludeen complained that many shops at Palayamkottai Gandhi Market were yet to be regularised by the Corporation, thus causing a huge revenue loss to the civic body, the Mayor said the officials concerned had been instructed in this connection.

Ms.Vijila assured the Council members that energy-saving LED lights would gradually replace the conventional streetlights in the City. The Mayor informed that planting of saplings under the ‘Green Nellai’ programme would begin on Tuesday (November 19).

The Council meeting decided to erect a memorial column for Tamil scholar Xavier Thaninayagam Adigal near the entrance of the Exhibition Grounds here.