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Common biomedical waste facility set for upgrade

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The Hindu      21.06.2010

Common biomedical waste facility set for upgrade

Deepa H Ramakrishnan

CHENNAI: The common biomedical waste facility functioning at Thenmelpakkam in Kancheepuram district is all set for an upgrade, with the Global Environment Fund, an international funding body under the United Nations Development Programme, agreeing to provide $2,58,000 for the project.

The upgrade would involve strengthening of the facility, improve transportation infrastructure by providing better design waste transportation vehicles, improve management of hazardous residues and set up a waste tracking system, according to sources.

Memorandum of understanding was signed recently between four agencies — Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board, Ministry of Environment and Forests, Tamil Nadu Health Systems Project and GJ Multiclave India Pvt Ltd,. A total of 18 government, Corporation and private hospitals would also be given funds to upgrade and strengthen their biomedical waste management facility. The programme would be launched to minimise release of persistent organic pollutants and mercury in the environment, the sources said. The funds would also be utilised for training of healthcare persons and awareness creation .The project period is three years and the funds would be released in a phased manner.

The Ministry of Environment and Forests would be the nodal agency and it would monitor the project.

Last Updated on Monday, 21 June 2010 04:34