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Proposal for biogas power plant

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The Hindu                     06.04.2013

Proposal for biogas power plant

S. Ramesh

The Erode Corporation has proposed to establish a biogas plant to generate power from the organic waste generated in the town.

The proposal, according to the civic officials, will enable the civic administration to dispose the organic waste scientifically and reduce its electricity bill.

The town generates more than 250 tonnes of waste of which more than 70 per cent was organic that could be used to feed the biogas plant.

“Initially, we are setting up the plant to use 10 tonnes of waste every day,” said Corporation Commissioner M. Vijayalakshmi.

The plant would come up at a cost of Rs. 90 lakh at the civic body's dump yard at Vendipalayam. The proposal would be submitted to the State Government for its approval, officials here said.

The electricity generated from the plant would be used for street lighting and the operation of motor pumps. The spent material would be in the form of organic compost that could be used as a manure for crops, officials added.

Apart from generating power, the plant would ease the civic body's burden of disposing the garbage generated in the town. Currently, the civic body is facing a huge problem in waste disposal as its dump yard is already overflowing.

“There is little space available at the yard now. If we continue to dump the garbage without treating it, it will lead to major environmental problems,” a senior official here said.

Since the yard is full, the civic body is not able to ensure regular collection of waste from the households and commercial establishments. As a result, a huge amount of waste end up on streets and it remains there uncollected for days together, posing serious threat to the health of the residents.