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Pilot project on source segregation of waste

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The Hindu                29.04.2013

Pilot project on source segregation of waste

For cleaner environs:The new dustbins that are part of a pilot project for source segregation of solid waste launched at Mettupalayam Municipality on Thursday. -Photo: Special Arrangement
For cleaner environs:The new dustbins that are part of a pilot project for source segregation of solid waste launched at Mettupalayam Municipality on Thursday. -Photo: Special Arrangement

A pilot project on solid waste management focussing on segregation of waste at the source has been launched at Mettupalayam Municipality, one of the nine chosen across the country for getting assistance under Central Government’s National Urban Sanitation Policy.

The local body has purchased 33 dumper blazer dustbins and 35 push carts for this project, which were pressed into service on Thursday (April 25).

According to Municipality Chairman D. Satheesh Kumar, initially the project would be taken up in six wards, of the total 33, where the solid waste would be segregated during the house-to-house collection. The Municipality generated a total of 35 tonnes of solid waste per day.

“A public awareness campaign would be taken up on source segregation. A Rs. 1 crore-bio-methenisation plant, which would generate power from waste, was sanctioned recently for Mettupalayam. It requires, per day, between three and five tonnes of waste such fruits, vegetables and other kitchen waste.”

The electricity generated from this project would be used to power the street lights, which would save nearly Rs. 4 lakh in electricity charges every month.

The local body had tied up with Exnora and Water Aid to undertake this project as part of the City Sanitation Plan.

Exnora had conducted a study on waste generation in Mettupalayam over the past year and had presented its preliminary findings during a City Task Force on Thursday.

A detailed report would be submitted in two months. Mr. Satheesh Kumar said that they would scale up the project to cover the entire Municipality in two months.