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‘Create awareness on solid waste management’

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The Hindu            17.06.2013

‘Create awareness on solid waste management’

Special Correspondent

District Collector K. Baskaran has appealed to local body representatives in the district to effectively implement solid waste management and avoid plastics to protect environment and improve sanitation in municipalities, town, and village panchayats.

Speaking at a meeting of village panchayat presidents and officials to discuss effective implementation of solid waste management programmes in local bodies at the collectorate here on Sunday, Mr. Baskaran said it was the duty of the local bodies as per section 110 (D) of Tamil Nadu Local Bodies Act to keep the environment clean and improve sanitation. An awareness should be created among the public about the issue.

Local bodies should adopt resolutions against use of plastics and take steps for solid waste management. People should be taught about segregation of waste before disposing it. Under MGNREGS, pits could be dug to burry wastes. Plastics could be segregated and given to local bodies so that district administration might use it for constructing roads.

Schoolchildren and college students should be taught segregation of waste and production of vermicompost using bio-waste. They could spread awareness among public.

Those willing to give plastic wastes can contact Jayalakshmi, District Level Federation of Self Help Groups on ph: 8940153600.

K. Varadarajan, Project Director, District Rural Development Agency, was present.