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Corporation changes garbage trucks’ timings

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Deccan Chronicle            13.11.2013 

Corporation changes garbage trucks’ timings

Chennai: The infamous corporation trucks, often blamed for fatal accidents endangering motorists’ lives, will soon have restricted time for collection of garbage from the streets. The trucks, which usually start rolling out by 6.30 am and continue their work till 6 pm, will now have revised timings.

These heavy trucks will not ply during school and peak hours. “The lorries and trucks will collect garbage from the bins from 10.30 am and wind up operations by 4.30 pm aimed to reduce accidents.

Then the vehicles will go to the dumpyards to unload them,” said a senior official at the corporation. However, other small vehicles will function from morning and the timings of conservancy staff who run tricycles and sweep the streets will remain unchanged.

“This applies only for the garbage trucks and compactors and the revised work timings will come into force by next month,” the official said.

“Trial runs have been begun in Alandur zone and the workers have to sweat a bit more to finish the work within the stipulated time, but the new schedule will help prevent accidents,” he added. In addition to the new timings, the civic body will also introduce a speed governance technique in which the lorries will be fitted with GPS facilities.

The time of setting out for work and finishing the duty will be monitored. The facility will also help track drivers who overspeed. “The compactors, when crossing the roads leave a heavy stench of garbage which remains even after the vehicle passes. The civic body must take some measures to reduce this,” said Mahesh Kumar, a resident of Ashok pillar.