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Centre to recycle plastic waste opened

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The Hindu             27.11.2013

Centre to recycle plastic waste opened

Special Correspondent

The State government has sanctioned Rs.3.75 lakh to the federation of women self-help groups for recycling plastic waste for the purpose of laying roads as well as generating income for their livelihood.

Declaring open a centre for recycling plastic waste at Kooraikoondu panchayat, Collector T.N. Hariharan said that plastic waste had led to pollution at various levels apart from causing damage to water sources and soil.

Under the Mahalir Thittam, Kooraikoondu panchayat was chosen and equipment was purchased for cleaning the waste plastic and grinding it. Plastic waste available in panchayats, village panchayats and municipality would be collected, cleaned and grinded before being given to the District Rural Development Agency (DRDA) for use while laying roads in rural areas.