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Solid Waste Management

‘Create awareness on solid waste management’

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The Hindu            17.06.2013

‘Create awareness on solid waste management’

Special Correspondent

District Collector K. Baskaran has appealed to local body representatives in the district to effectively implement solid waste management and avoid plastics to protect environment and improve sanitation in municipalities, town, and village panchayats.

Speaking at a meeting of village panchayat presidents and officials to discuss effective implementation of solid waste management programmes in local bodies at the collectorate here on Sunday, Mr. Baskaran said it was the duty of the local bodies as per section 110 (D) of Tamil Nadu Local Bodies Act to keep the environment clean and improve sanitation. An awareness should be created among the public about the issue.

Local bodies should adopt resolutions against use of plastics and take steps for solid waste management. People should be taught about segregation of waste before disposing it. Under MGNREGS, pits could be dug to burry wastes. Plastics could be segregated and given to local bodies so that district administration might use it for constructing roads.

Schoolchildren and college students should be taught segregation of waste and production of vermicompost using bio-waste. They could spread awareness among public.

Those willing to give plastic wastes can contact Jayalakshmi, District Level Federation of Self Help Groups on ph: 8940153600.

K. Varadarajan, Project Director, District Rural Development Agency, was present.


Corporation fights hard to stop indiscriminate dumping of debris

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The Hindu                15.06.2013

Corporation fights hard to stop indiscriminate dumping of debris

Needs stern measures:Corporation’s efforts in addressing the debris dumping issue have met with only partial success. —PHOTO: S. SIVA SARAVANAN
Needs stern measures:Corporation’s efforts in addressing the debris dumping issue have met with only partial success. —PHOTO: S. SIVA SARAVANAN

Thursday’s debris dumping incident throws the spotlight on the challenges the Coimbatore Corporation faces in tackling the indiscriminate dumping of the building waste. Environment activists on Thursday evening caught a tractor driver dumping debris along Valankulam.

The move comes even as the Corporation had earmarked places across the city for contractors to dump debris. This was in April this year. The Commissioner, G. Latha, had said that by giving contractors places to dump debris, the Corporation aimed at preventing their dumping debris along water bodies and thereby protect the water bodies.

After earmarking the places and informing the public about the same, the Corporation had a meeting with builders to seek their cooperation.

Not stopping with the move, Ms. Latha formed zone-level committees comprising zonal sanitary officers, assistant town planning officers, junior engineers and sanitary inspectors to ensure that contractors did not dump debris outside the earmarked places.

But in the past two months, the earmarked places did not get as much debris as they ought to.

The patronage has been average, says a source.

To improve the debris management system, Ms. Latha has now proposed a scheme wherein the civic body will partner the builders to collect debris at demolition sites, transport them for manufacturing blocks to be laid in pathways and gardens.

In this regard, Ms. Latha said she had talked to the builders’ association. The civic body would lease out a land on which the association could install the machinery required to manufacture the blocks.

Sources in the builders’ association confirmed the same and said they would take a decision after talking to the association office-bearers.

Ms. Latha said it would be a win-win situation for both the Corporation and builders because the civic body would be able to stop dumping of debris at water bodies and the association would get to utilise waste to manufacture and sell blocks.

Meanwhile, following Thursday’s incident, the Corporation lodged a complaint with the Ramanathapuram Police, who have registered cases under Sections 277 (fouling water of public spring or reservoir), 290 (punishment for public nuisance) and 430 (mischief by injury to works of irrigation or by wrongfully diverting water) of the Indian Penal Code.

The punishment under the sections varies from a few months to five years with or without fine.

Ms. Latha said that she planned to talk to Collector M. Karunagaran to convene a meeting involving Revenue Department and police officials as their help was required in tackling the debris dumping menace, for only those two had powers to act against offenders.

The Ramanathapuram Police said that they had arrested the tractor owner Velumani under the aforementioned three sections. They were on the lookout for the tractor driver.


Firms to generate power from garbage shortlisted

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The Hindu              12.06.2013

Firms to generate power from garbage shortlisted

Special Correspondent

Corporation assures 150 to 200 tonnes of garbage a day.

Four companies have been shortlisted for generating electricity from the Ramaiyanpatti garbage dump on the outskirts of the town.

In the wake of issues related to fire accidents and other problems at the 40-acre garbage dump, the Municipal Corporation was forced to execute a solid waste management programme. Moreover, the Madurai Bench of Madras High Court has ordered the civic body to execute a solid waste management programme as early as possible, considering the wellbeing of the people living nearby.

When Chief Minister Jayalalithaa announced the Rs. 55-crore power project for the Corporation using waste as raw material for producing electricity, the local body heaved a sigh of relief as it would not have any financial burden.

Letters of Interest were invited from interested companies for the project and five firms responded and one was found to be not qualified.

The remaining four companies have been asked to submit their proposal based on the assurance given by the Corporation that it would be supplying 150 to 200 tonnes of garbage a day.

“With this quantum of waste, the company selected for this programme will be able to generate 2 MW electricity which would ensure a lot of savings in the Corporation’s electricity bill,” said a Corporation official.

Energy audit

Meanwhile, the Corporation is in the process of identifying a company for conducting energy audit in the areas under its jurisdiction. As per the proposed exercise, the company would conduct a comprehensive survey on the usage of streetlights and other electrical equipment of the Corporation and submit its suggestions on energy savings within six months. It will suggest the exact number of streetlights to be used across the town.

“When the suggestions are implemented, it will save a sizable amount for the Corporation and the savings will be shared by the Corporation and the firm that conducted the energy audit,” the official said.


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