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Solid Waste Management

Civic chiefs told to prevent dumping of solid waste

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The Hindu     05.08.2010

Civic chiefs told to prevent dumping of solid waste

Staff Reporter

— Photo: K. Pichumani

Evolving strategies: Member-Secretary of Chennai Rivers Restoration Trust K. Phanindra Reddy (left), in discussion with TNPCB Chairman R. Balakrishnan at a workshop on solid waste management, in Chennai on Wednesday.

CHENNAI: The Chennai Rivers Restoration Trust on Wednesday asked presidents of 25 local bodies located along the banks of the Cooum River to take measures to prevent dumping of solid waste in the river.

The representatives of the local bodies were participating in a workshop on solid waste management organised by the Trust in association with NGOs.

Officials from various government departments participated.

Local bodies such as Perambakkam, Kasavanallathur, Kadambathur, Nolambur, Nerkunram, Vanagaram and Adayalampattu were found to be in urgent need of modern solid waste management methods, according to a study made recently by the Chennai Rivers Restoration Trust and Hand-in-Hand, a non government organisation.

The seven local bodies were dumping large quantities of waste in the river.

Absence of segregation of waste at source, lack of funds and technical expertise for waste management and indifference of citizens towards waste management were some of the reasons.

A total of 20 local bodies along the river were yet to take measures on management of plastic waste, according to the study.

Representatives of local bodies have to play a key role in education of citizens on the importance of Municipal Solid Waste (Management and Handling) Rules 2000, said K.Phanindra Reddy, Member Secretary of Chennai Rivers Restoration Trust.

The requirement for appointment of more workers and funds for procuring vehicles for transportation of solid waste has been identified, said T.Udayachandran, Director, Rural Development and Local Administration.

CEO of Hand In Hand Kalpana Shankar stressed the need for tapping new technology for solid waste management.

Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board Chairman R. Balakrishnan said the Board was willing to give funds for local bodies seeking technological intervention in managing solid waste.

Last Updated on Thursday, 05 August 2010 04:39

Still miles to go in solid waste management

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The Hindu      02.08.2010

Still miles to go in solid waste management

City Bureau

Perungudi facility is a good start, but a lot more has to be done to sustain city's development, say experts

— Photo: N. Sridharan

CLEAN JOB: A private garbage collector engaged by a residential association in Thiruvanmiyur.

CHENNAI: Though the city generates over 3,500 tonnes of waste daily, so far a comprehensive solution for management of solid waste has eluded policy-makers.

In the last decade industrialisation and economic development have led to an increase of 1,000 tonnes of garbage and further complicated waste management with newer components including e-waste adding to the bag of woes.

The Chennai Corporation recently inaugurated an Integrated Solid Waste Management Facility at the Perungudi dump site. While it is a start, a lot more has to be done if the growth and expansion of the city have to be sustainable, say experts.

A member of the expert monitoring committee, constituted by the Madras High Court to review the Perungudi dump yard, T. Swaminathan of Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT-Madras, says “Only a decentralised system of waste management that employs local level recycling strategies can significantly reduce the problem.”

“As the metropolitan area increases, the problem is going to extend beyond the city. Areas such as Tambaram, Alandur and Ambattur are already facing serious waste management issues,” he adds.

Mayor M. Subramanian says that in the long term, the solution offered would work. “The technology has been approved by various government agencies before we began work. We have got clearance for the process, which has been tailored to suit Indian conditions.”

The company will commence operations in 18 months and make compost, refuse derived fuel pellets and eco bricks and in six months composting and making of bricks would be taken up. A similar proposal is in the pipeline for the Kodungaiyur dump yard.


The Chennai Corporation also plans to rehabilitate the two landfill sites. A tender has been floated for biomining and the work is expected to begin in two months at Perungudi.

An expert in solid waste composting, Sultan Ahmed Ismail says that during biomining care must be taken to see that no further leachate enters the water table. The company should also ensure that e-waste and bio-medical components from the mixed garbage are removed and sent for processing. He says sensitisation of residents would help in better waste processing.

Kurian Joseph, Assistant Professor, Centre for Environmental Studies, Anna University, says “The average per capita generation of biodegradable varies from 230 to 430 grams per day and the total quantity of biodegradable waste from residential sources is about 2,200 tonnes per day. That is about 66 per cent of the total waste generated. Plastic and glass constitute only 1-2 per cent. If biodegradable waste is not taken to the dump site, recycling will become easier.”

Presently segregation of recyclable waste is being carried out in around 25 wards of the 155 wards in the city and 100 more wards are to be included in two months. “The plastic bags supplied by the Corporation for segregation of garbage are very useful. The regularity of workers with tricycles has improved conditions in the recent months,” said Sonia Rajan, a resident of Tank Bund Road, Nungambakkam.

However, in some wards where such segregation was launched has not taken off say members of the Chennai Corporation Red Flag Trade Union. “The tricycle that has been provided for segregation is being used for regular door-to-door collection. In some places there are not enough employees for collection of recyclable waste,” said a member.

A senior official of the civic body says segregation among slum dwellers, red and green bins are being provided at a total cost of Rs. 32 lakh. However, many residents use the bins only to store water or groceries and not for the purpose that they are intended for.

Sweeping of roads is another area that needs much improvement. Malaisamy, a resident of Kilpauk says, that some years ago, the mud used to be removed using brushes on a regular basis. But now only the main roads are being swept on a regular basis. After the rains it is even worse.”

Though the Chennai Corporation says that in the past 4 years the operations of collection have been modernised with compactor trucks, mechanisation of garbage transfer stations, placement of imported garbage bins, GPS monitoring of compactor trips to ensure that no bins is left out in the rounds, door-to-door collection continues to suffer in some wards where residential associations depend on private individuals to collect garbage.


Similarly privatisation of solid waste management in four zones has only led to conservancy taking a backseat in these areas. Though it was the DMK which had introduced privatisation in the city with Onyx, it is the same party, which is now all set to remove Neel Metal Fanalca in a few months.

“We have burnt our fingers with yet another private firm. But privatisation has also helped us improve our collection techniques and problems such as lorries spilling garbage on city roads are things of the past, with closed compactors,” said an official of the Corporation.

Sivakumar, a resident of Thiruvanmiyur said that garbage clearance on interior roads were not proper. “Neel Metal Fanalca has not been able to clear garbage on a regular basis. Adding to this, rag pickers, dogs and cattle disturb the garbage and most of it is outside the bins,” he said.

Privatisation of garbage clearance in many suburban areas too has not been successful. Many municipalities have privatised at least one-third of their wards as they lacked the required manpower. Ambattur municipality, which roped in the services of Neel Metal Fanalca, has levied fines on the company for poor waste disposal.

(With inputs from Deepa Ramakrishnan, Ajai Sreevatsan, K. Lakshmi and Aloysius Xavier Lopez)

Last Updated on Monday, 02 August 2010 04:26

Tiruchi a sanitation capital: UNICEF expert

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The Hindu      29.07.2010

Tiruchi a sanitation capital: UNICEF expert

Staff Reporter

Ecosan toilet is a solution for management of human waste

TIRUCHI: Musiri and Tiruchi have come to be considered as the sanitation capital of Tamil Nadu owing to the adoption and popularisation of new models of solid and liquid waste management, Arun Dhobal, Water and Environmental Specialist, UNICEF, Chennai, said, inaugurating the integrated ecological sanitation facility at a middle school in Musiri on Monday.

Ecosan toilet has been accepted by the Central Government under the Total Sanitation campaign as a solution specifically for rocky, hilly, coastal, highwater table and water-scarce areas. The model has proved to be a total solution for management of human waste, Mr. Arun Dhobal said.

He complimented the Tiruchi-based SCOPE for pioneering the concept and successfully demonstrating use of urine and human waste compost as a rich nutrient for increasing agricultural productivity. The model was also helpful in saving water.

Tiruchi, he said, had also set good examples for similar sanitation related initiatives like solid waste management and menstrual hygiene management. UNICEF will continue to extend support to NGOs and other organizations working in the field of women development and welfare of children, he said.

M. Subburaman, SCOPE Director, said the school was provided with Ecosan toilets and urinals. Installation of sanitary napkin disposal facility, urine usage for gardening and rainwater harvesting and solid waste management were made possible with UNICEF support. Musiri accounts for over 400 individual ecosan toilets and three ecosan community compost toilets, he said..V.C.Sudhakar, president of Musiri town panchayat, presided over. The UNICEF has provided the facilities worth Rs. 6.5 lakh to the school, he said.

Anselm Rosario of Mythri Sarva Seva Samithi, Bangalore; Lucas Dengel of Eco Pro Auroville; V.Ganapathy, vice president, Association for Improvement of Musiri, and Swagata Pillai of iMacs/ KEN, New Delhi, offered felicitations. P.Srinivasan Headmaster of the school welcomed the gathering.

S.Manickam. D.Panneerselvam, Panchayat Union Commissioner, also spoke.Earlier a ‘pancha bhuth maha yagam' to propitiate earth, water, air, fire & space was performed on the banks of the river Cauvery to symbolize how Ecosan toilets was environmentally friendly.

Last Updated on Thursday, 29 July 2010 04:39

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