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Municipality records 80 per cent property tax collection

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The Hindu       28.07.2010

Municipality records 80 per cent property tax collection

Staff Reporter

“This is one of the highest collections among municipalities in Vellore district”

“There are 14,000 property tax assessments

in the municipal limits”

AMBUR: Door-to-door reminders for property tax assesses have enabled the Ambur Municipality to register a significant property tax collection in the last few years. Property tax is one of the main revenue generation sources for the local body.

In 2009-2010, the total property tax assessment value in the municipality was Rs. 1.85 crore. Of this, the municipality recorded 80 per cent collection amounting to about Rs. 1.50 crore. There are 14,000 property tax assessments in the municipality limits, according to Chairman of the municipality V. Nazeer Ahmad.

“We have been achieving 80 to 85 per cent property tax collection every year. This is one of the highest collections among municipalities in Vellore district. The municipality is highly depended on property tax for its revenue,” he stated.

Once in six months, the municipality conducts a review of the property tax collection.

The shortage in collection accounted in the review is noted and tax assesses who were yet to pay the tax are reminded and asked to pay as soon as possible, he explained.

“Our municipal staff take up door-to-door work to remind the tax assesses who are yet to pay the tax to pay the amount at the municipality office. Out of the 80 per cent tax collected, 30 per cent pay promptly, while about 50 per cent pay after being reminded in this door-to-door approach. This helps us to achieve a good collection,” he added.

A separate counter at the municipality has been allotted for property tax collection.

When it comes to defaulters, the municipality sends notices to them to pay the tax within a stipulated date, he said, adding, “There are a number of defaulters. People have to pay the tax on time so that the municipality increases its revenue and thereby is able to carry out work processes.”

In the meantime, the municipality was facing poor response to water tax collection. Officials of the local body said the municipality's annual demand for water tax was Rs. one crore but it was receiving only six to seven per cent payment.

“To increase the water tax collection, we have started to give new connections. We have also asked those who have not paid for old connections to pay the appropriate tax amount,” an official said.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 28 July 2010 06:37