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Madurai Corporation starts recovering dues

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The Hindu      09.12.2010

Madurai Corporation starts recovering dues

Staff Reporter
“Distraint proceedings” set in motion

Collectable dues has been put at Rs.80 crore

Even big commercial houses not paying dues

MADURAI: Madurai Corporation has set on the path of “distraint proceedings” to collect huge outstanding dues by way of property tax, water charges, underground drainage maintenance charges and rentals from its shops.

The collectable dues has been put at Rs. 80 crore from 1.60 lakh property tax assessments, including arrears pending for two to three years.

“It is disheartening that even big commercial houses too are not paying the dues. We need funds to carry out various development works, including laying of roads,” Corporation Commissioner S. Sebastine told reporters here on Wednesday.

Urging the city residents to pay all their dues to help the local body, Mr. Sebastine warned that all legal actions, including distraint proceedings would be taken against the defaulters.

“This morning we collected Rs. 13 lakh property tax from a jeweller after serving notice,” he said. Mr. Sebastine said that the dues from buildings housing Government offices were to the tune of Rs. 7.5 crore. Some of the departments had to pay the dues for five to six years. Stating that several rounds of talks have been held with the officers of Government departments, Mr. Sebastine said notices would be issued to them too.

“The Public Works Department needs to pay Rs. 1.98 crore for various Government buildings maintained by it,” he said.

“All that the officials of the Government departments need to do is that they seek budgetary provisions for paying the property tax,” he added. When asked about the top defaulters in private sector, Mr. Sebastine said that list has been put on the Corporation official website.

Deputy Commissioner K. Tharpagaraj and Chief Engineer K. Sakthivel were among those who were present.