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Camp for property tax assessment in ward 29 today

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The Hindu 06.11.2009

Camp for property tax assessment in ward 29 today


Staff Reporter








MADURAI: The Corporation will hold a special camp for issuing new property tax orders for new buildings, additional buildings for ward 29 at Ellis Nagar on Friday.

In a statement, the Corporation Commissioner, S. Sebastine, said that the camp would begin at 10 a.m. at Twin Houses Residents’ Welfare Association Office in Ellis Nagar.

Residents could get their new buildings, additional buildings instantly assessed at the camp. Besides, name transfer of property tax could be done based on the details of sale deed. Other grievances with regard to property tax assessment could also be done, provided they bring a copy of sale deed attested by a notary public. For tax assessment for additional building, copy of tax receipt for existing building is necessary. Other documents required are copy of vacant tax receipt and building plan approval, if available.