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Parties resist new tax assessment norms

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The Hindu 18.11.2009

Parties resist new tax assessment norms

Special Correspondent

Objective is to check unauthorised construction

Photo: M. Periasamy

BRAINSTORMING: Mayor R. Venkatachalam (left) and Coimbatore Corporation Commissioner Anshul Mishra (right) discuss new Property Tax norms and energy saving measures in streetlighting with zone and committee heads and leaders of parties in the Coimbatore Corporation Council at an all-party meeting on Tuesday. –

COIMBATORE: Parties in the Coimbatore Corporation Council rejected on Tuesday the new norms for Property Tax assessment.

The civic body said buildings in unapproved layouts were being constructed without an approved plan. As per rules, the local body or the Local Planning Authority did not approve plans of buildings that were to be built on sites in unapproved layouts. This was aimed at discouraging the formation of unapproved layouts and construction in these areas.

But, the buildings were constructed even if the plan was not approved. Consequently some of the charges to be paid to the Corporation during plan approval were not remitted. The building owners, however, applied to the Corporation for assessment of Property Tax.

Now, the Corporation wanted the plan to be submitted if tax assessment had to be made. This was aimed at ensuring that the local body got its due share of revenue. Another objective was to check unauthorised construction.

This proposal had been placed in the Corporation Council earlier for its approval. But, the parties wanted it to be discussed first at an all-party meeting. The meeting on Tuesday, however, did not make any headway as the elected representatives opposed the proposal on the grounds of financial burden on the people.

Another issue discussed at the meeting was the fixing of energy saving devices on streetlights.

The Corporation had already tied up with a private company on this. Corporation Commissioner Anshul Mishra said this project would begin on January 1.

Leader of the Opposition V.N. Udayakumar said at the meeting that the streetlights would have to function first, if the Corporation had to embark on energy-saving measures.

Mayor R. Venkatachalam, Mr. Mishra, Deputy Mayor N. Karthik and heads of zones were among those who took part in the meeting.

The Corporation has given the following phone numbers for people to report malfunctioning of streetlights: South Zone and East Zone: 96552-42250, North Zone and West Zone: 96552-42280. The public can contact Nandakumar on 96777-26698.

Repairs would be carried out within 48 hours from the receipt of complaint.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 18 November 2009 02:07