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Pay taxes promptly, says Corporation Commissioner

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The Hindu 06.04.2010

Pay taxes promptly, says Corporation Commissioner

Special Correspondent

The civic body collected Rs. 52.79 crore Property Tax as against the target of Rs. 65.16 crore

Prompt payment meant paying taxes at the start of the financial year

COIMBATORE: The Coimbatore Corporation has collected more Property Tax in the 2009-2010 financial year than in the previous year, but wants the people to pay all taxes promptly in order to achieve at least 95 per cent collection as per the guidelines of the Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission.

“Our collection in 2009-2010 was better than the previous financial year. We issued more notices to defaulters and cut more water lines as a punitive measure,” Corporation Commissioner Anshul Mishra said on Monday.

“But, we still did not achieve our target of 95 per cent collection as per the JNNURM guidelines. The Corporation will work to achieve this in the current financial year,” he said.

The Corporation collected Rs. 52.79 crore Property Tax as against the target of Rs. 65.16 crore. The collection was 81 per cent, an improvement over the last financial year's achievement of 77 per cent. The arrears to be collected during 2009-2010 was Rs.34 crore. But, the collection was Rs.14 crore.

The drinking water consumption charges target for that year was Rs.14.77 crore and the collection was Rs.10.64 crore. The collection of arrears was Rs.6.1 crore, as against the target of Rs.8.6 crore.

The Corporation wanted the people to shun the habit of rushing to the tax payment counters at the end of the financial year. An official said that prompt payment meant paying taxes at the start of the financial year – by April 15 – and not at the end of the year on March 31.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 06 April 2010 04:34