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Property tax payers can file civil suits, says High Court

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The Hindu 04.02.2010

Property tax payers can file civil suits, says High Court

Mohamed Imranullah S.

Even without filing appeals before government authorities, it rules

MADURAI: Property tax payers can file civil suits challenging the assessments made by local bodies even without approaching the higher authorities concerned as provided under the Tamil Nadu District Municipalities Act, 1920, the Madras High Court Bench here has held.

Justice A. Selvam passed the ruling while reversing two concurrent judgements passed by a First Additional District Munsif Court as well as Principal Sub-Court at Kumbakonam in Thanjavur district in 2007 and 2009 respectively. The judge allowed a second appeal filed against these decisions right at the admission stage.

The appellant K.R. Gowri Sedhuraman said that the Kumbakonam Municipality issued a demand notice to her in November 2004 revising the tax amount for her house. The tax was calculated based on a new procedure contemplated through an amendment made to the Municipalities Act in 1997.

Stating that the amendment was not notified by the Government and remained only on paper until it was repealed a few years later, the appellant said that the two lower courts had failed to appreciate her contention and hold that the tax revision based on such an amendment was illegal and arbitrary.

Agreeing with her, Mr. Justice Selvam said: “The courts below, without considering the real legal point involved in the present case, have erroneously non suited the plaintiff. In view of the factual and legal aspects, it is needless to say that the concurrent judgements passed by the courts below are totally absurd and liable to be set aside.”

He pointed out that the Municipality had conceded, in its written statement, that the property tax was revised based on the 1997 amendment to the Act. Even the Revenue Inspector, who was examined as a defence witness, had accepted that the revision was based on new procedures laid down under the amendment.

“The learned counsel appearing for the appellant has befittingly drawn the attention of this Court to the effect that the amending Act was not notified… and also repealed. Since the amending Act was not in force, it is needless to say that the defendant (Municipality) ought to have followed the erstwhile provisions of the Act,” the judge added.

Last Updated on Thursday, 04 February 2010 05:10

26 buildings sealed for property tax default

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Deccan Chronicle 03.02.2010

26 buildings sealed for property tax default

February 3rd, 2010
By Our Correspondent

Feb 2: In the past one week, the revenue department has sealed 26 buildings in Chennai for evading property tax. The revenue department has planned for a series of drive against errant taxpayers as financial year is coming to an end.

The commercial and residential buildings that have arrears amounting more than Rs 1 lakh are now under scanner, a senior corporation official said.

More than 200 officers including revenue inspectors are now reviewing the collection process and on daily basis about Rs 1.5 crore is collected.

The drive will continue till March 31 and the revenue department is planning to generate tax revenue of at least Rs 70 crore by the end of current fiscal, the official said.

Initially, warrant is issued to tax defaulters. In case if there is no response, the corporation can either seal the property or confiscate the properties of the defaulters as per Madras City Municipal Corporation Act, sources said.

It may be noted that city corporation is facing an herculean task of collecting over Rs 400 crore from the major property owners who have been evading payment of tax for last many years. According to data available with city corporation, the property tax arrears are high in prime areas like Anna Salai, Chamiers Road, Parry’s, Santhome, Luz Church road, N.S.C. Bose road and parts of T Nagar.


Decision on uniform water tax deferred

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The Hindu 29.01.2010

Decision on uniform water tax deferred

Staff Reporter

This will affect ongoing drinking water projects in Tirunelveli: Mayor

— Photo: A. Shaikmohideen

In protest: AIADMK members leaving the Corporation Council Hall in Tirunelveli on Thursday.

TIRUNELVELI: The Corporation, which has already started executing two major drinking water projects at a cost of Rs.22.86 crore, has decided to defer for at least for next six months its proposal to introduce uniform water tax of Rs.100 a month for each residential connection following the pressure exerted by councillors of various political parties.

“Since we’ve already started the work on executing two drinking water projects for the benefit of residents in wards 19, 26 and 27 and wards 8, 9 and 10 with huge borrowings, we have to repay the loan with interest... And hence we’ve to augment our revenue by introducing a uniform water tax of Rs.100 a month per connection. If you prefer to exert pressure on me and the administration for deferring the decision for the next six more months, work of the ongoing projects will be affected,” Mayor A.L. Subramanian warned the members in the council meeting held here on Thursday.

While the Corporation decided to charge a monthly tax of Rs.100 per domestic drinking water connection in the council meeting held on December 31, 2008, water tax for the corporate bodies was fixed as Rs.200 a month. However, the implementation of this decision was deferred to October 1, 2009.

“Now, you are deferring the implementation of this crucial decision which will certainly have telling effect on the ongoing (drinking water) projects... It is really bad,” said Mr. Subramanian.

Raising the issue of drinking water supply to the venue of DMK youth wing conference held in December 2007, AIADMK member Sudha K. Paramasivan alleged that the local body, which supplied drinking water to the Tirunelveli Medical College ground, the venue for the function, had failed to collect the actual amount, causing huge loss to the corporation.

Mr. Paramasivan also urged the Corporation to take steps to combat and check the menacingly spreading viral fever in several parts of the Corporation, particularly in Melapalayam. Responding to this, the Mayor said the Corporation’s entire conservancy workforce was mobilised at Melapalayam for a mass cleaning programme, in which over 250 tonnes of garbage was cleared within two days. “The cleaning operation and the anti-mosquito exercise will continue there,” he assured.

Councillor Abdul Wahab appealed to the Mayor to allocate a land at Pettai, which had been allotted for a slaughter house but remained unused for the past several years, for establishing a farmers’ market for the benefit of Pettai residents. Mr. Subramanian replied that the civic body would consider the proposal positively if the Agricultural Marketing Corporation approached the Corporation administration in this regard.

When a section of councillors alleged that some of their proposals for creating infrastructure facilities like roads, culverts, small bridges etc. were being turned down repeatedly, Executive Engineer Narayanan Nair said project proposals would be approved only if such plans fulfilled all 15 norms prescribed in the mandatory checklist. The council unanimously passes a resolution condoling the death of former West Bengal Chief Minister and veteran Marxist leader Jyoti Basu.

Last Updated on Friday, 29 January 2010 02:19

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