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Poll rolls revision nearing completion

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The Hindu  02.09.2010

Poll rolls revision nearing completion

Staff Reporter

CHENNAI: The field verification for summary electoral roll revision 2010 is nearing completion.

Officials of the Chennai Corporation said that nearly 2.05 lakh applications were received for inclusion of names in the electoral roll. About 350 claims had been made for deletion of names from the list.

While 6,830 people had applied for correction pertaining to their address and name, as many as 9,150 had applied seeking inclusion of their changed address in the same constituency.

Nearly 1,560 booth level officers were involved in the door-to-door verification of applications filed between July 1 and July 26.

The forms were submitted to the Corporation zonal offices and post offices and other designated locations.

As per the draft electoral roll, there were nearly 27.20 lakh voters in the city. Of this, around 13.59 lakh were men and 13.61 lakh women.

The final electoral roll of the city would be published on September 15, officials said.

Last Updated on Thursday, 02 September 2010 09:43