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Cycle your way along Marina

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The Deccan Chronicle  13.09.2010

Cycle your way along Marina

Sept. 12: Chennaiites and visitors to the city will soon be able to hire bicycles and pedal along the scenic Marina Beach, to take in the sea breeze and check out the numerous attractions of the tourist spot. The city corporation is working on a project to set up bicycle stands along the popular beach from where people will be able to hire cycles for a small fee. The civic body also plans to extend the project to cover parks in Chennai.

Corporation commissioner Rajesh Lakhoni said the corporation came up with the plan after the budget was announced and has floated tenders inviting private bicycle manufacturers to set up stands and hire out cycles along Marina Beach. “The bids will be opened in two weeks,” Mr Lakhoni said. “The scheme will be extended to major parks maintained by the city corporation in a phased manner.” At Marina, private agencies will be allowed to set up two bicycle stands at either end of the beach, one behind the Triumph of Labour statue and the other near the Light House, he said.

The corporation will ensure that the charges to hire a cycle will be nominal. The firm that wins the contract will maintain the bicycles. Residents have welcomed the move. “It is becoming unsafe to use a bicycle in Chennai. This plan will encourage people to use bicycles — a non-polluting and healthy way to get around,” said S. Narayanan, a Triplicane resident.

Last Updated on Monday, 13 September 2010 06:00