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Cement mixer chokes Santhome

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The Deccan Chronicle  12.10.2010

Cement mixer chokes Santhome

Oct. 11: The presence of a cement mixing plant in the vicinity is causing Santhome flat owners much concern. Since the plant works round-the-clock, these emanations are causing sleepless nights for nearly 50 harried families, including parents who fear that their children may be afflicted by respiratory diseases.

“We have been at the receiving end of this problem for the last three years. As the cement mixing plant is situated in close proximity to the residential apartments in Anthu street on Santhome High Road, nearly a hundred residents who are living in this area are facing a serious threat from hazardous dust particles,” said Karthik, a resident of Anthu street.

The cement plant that catered to the demands of some major construction projects in the city, was later taken over by the Tamil Nadu Slum Clearance Board (TNSCB) for its project. “The cement plant is being operated by TNSCB for its housing projects and we are in the dark about its environmental clearance,” said a Chennai corporation official of its zonal office, Santhome.

“We have already filed so many complaints to the Chennai corporation and the Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board. The issue has also been raised in the state assembly. Though we are residing close to the beach area, we cannot even open our doors and windows because of the heavy dust,” complains a housewife, whose apartment is situated just behind the cement-mixing plant.

According to Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board officials, all dust-emitting industries and plants have to be properly enclosed and covered. “We insist on conveyor belts for all the dust-handling industries within city limits and frequent water sprinkling should be done on the boundary as per requirement,” said a senior TNPCB official.

Officials of the slum clearance board were not available for comment.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 12 October 2010 06:21