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No obstacle race on pavements

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The Deccan Chronicle  29.10.2010

No obstacle race on pavements

Oct. 28: Relief is around the corner for pedestrians of the city, who have been unable to walk through pavements because of umpteen obstacles including encroachments, transformers, telephone and electricity junction boxes and trees.

The state highways department and the Chennai Corporation have jointly started removing encroachments and relocating TNEB transformers and junction boxes on the pavements in arterial roads.

A highway official said that the drive to remove encroachments and obstructions on Anna Salai, EVR Periyar Salai and Jawaharlal Nehru Salai had already begun.

“We have conducted a survey to identify number of obstructions on pavements,” he said. “TNEB and the telecom service providers have been asked to relocate the transformers and the junction boxes.”

“We have problems in shifting transformers due to space constraint and high costs,” he added. “Wherever possible, the transformers were being moved to the side-lanes.”

A city corporation official said that steps to make pavements pedestrian friendly were being taken following the recommendations of a high-level committee on improvements of roads and regulation of traffic chaired by the deputy chief minister, M. K. Stalin. The committee consists of officials from the city corporation, the state highways department and the city police.

Last Updated on Friday, 29 October 2010 09:23