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“Drainage work to be over soon”

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The Hindu       02.11.2010

“Drainage work to be over soon”

Staff Reporter
Work on relaying roads to be taken up thereafter: Mayor
— Photo: N. Rajesh

Might:Mayor R. Kasturai Thangam participating in a tug-of-war along with officials as part of the Local Body Administration Day celebration in Tuticorin on Monday.

Tuticorin: Work on laying of pipelines for underground drainage system under various wards of Tuticorin corporation limits will be completed soon.

The relaying of roads would be taken up immediately thereafter, said Mayor R. Kasthuri Thangam.

Presiding over a function organised in connection with the Local Administration Day here on Monday, in the presence of Commissioner P. Kubendran, the Mayor appealed to the councillors representing various wards to execute their duties for the welfare of the people.

She said various development projects to the tune of Rs. 185 crore and 64 lakh had been completed over the past four years under corporation limits.

The underground drainage project had been executed upto 91.53 km out of the total 113.77 km so far, at a cost of Rs. 3, 896 lakh.

An outlay of Rs. 8, 282 lakh was set aside by the State government for the completion of the project.

As for the infrastructure works of the Buckle Canal, the second phase of work was under way on a stretch of 2.4 km at an estimated cost of Rs. 7.5 crore. A sum of Rs. 35 crore had been earmarked for completion of the project.

Teams led by the Mayor, Commissioner, engineers, councillors and various staff of the corporation competed in a tug of war. It was won by the team led by the Commissioner.

Women councillors took part subsequently in the musical chair event in which the Mayor won the game.

Prizes were given to winners of competitions including elocution, essay writing and drawing.

Students from eight corporation schools took part in the programme. S.A. Rajagopalan, Executive Engineer of Corporation, proposed a vote of thanks.