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Mint flyover alignment set to change

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The Hindu 29.08.2009

Mint flyover alignment set to change

Staff Reporter

Land acquisition, court case have delayed the project

Photo: V.Ganesan

Coming up soon: The flyover is expected to decongest traffic at the Mint junction. —

CHENNAI: The Chennai Corporation Council on Friday gave permission for a change in the alignment of the proposed flyover at the Mint clock tower junction.

Following this, the civic body is expected to float tenders shortly for construction of the much needed facility in north Chennai.

A senior official of the Corporation said that though the proposal for the four-lane flyover was made in 2007-08, land acquisition, design and a court case had delayed the project. The estimated cost of the 520 metre long and 15 metre wide facility would be Rs.26 crore. It would connect Basin Bridge Road and Old Jail Road.

The timber shops on one side were a hindrance to its construction. But with a court verdict in favour of the Chennai Corporation to remove the 35 shops decks have been cleared for commencement of the work. “We have given them [timber shops] time to move out on their own. Once the notice period gets over we will have to remove them,” said another official. The Marakkadai area got its name from the timber shops. The flyover would come as a blessing for locals as the junction gets choked with traffic during rush hour.

A bus terminus situated in the junction adds to the traffic. “Once construction begins, it [terminus] would have to be temporarily relocated like in the case of the Perambur terminus,” the official said.

Last Updated on Saturday, 29 August 2009 01:14