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UN award for water conservation group

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The Hindu                        29.03.2013

UN award for water conservation group

K. Lakshmi 

It began as a modest experiment by a group of water professionals back in 2004. Their aim then, was to improve water service delivery and achieve sustainable and equitable water supply.

Today, this has blossomed into a movement of building sound water management practices and more collaborative social relationships among all stakeholders in the water sector.

The Centre of Excellence for Change (CEC), whose genesis is traced to the group, has been given the United Nations Water for Life Best Practices Award 2013. It was ranked second in the category –‘best participatory, communication, awareness-raising and education practices’ for the award.

Instituted two years ago by UN Water, the award is given as a mark of recognition of best practices adopted to ensure sustainable management of water resources. The CEC, which has been striving for water and food security in villages, was chosen from nearly 50 applicants from various countries. It will receive the award during World Water Day celebrations next year.

CEC’s founder mentor Vibhu Nayar said that from just five persons in the Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board, the volunteers have grown to over 2,500 persons.

Centre for Excellence for Change has been striving for food and water security since 2004.