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Work to give facelift to Kumaragiri Lake begins

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The Hindu                          01.04.2013

Work to give facelift to Kumaragiri Lake begins

Focus on Nature:Members of various organisations taking out a rally along Kumaragiri Lake at Ammapet in Salem on Sunday.— PHOTO: E. LAKSHMI NARAYANAN
Focus on Nature:Members of various organisations taking out a rally along Kumaragiri Lake at Ammapet in Salem on Sunday.— PHOTO: E. LAKSHMI NARAYANAN.

Permission obtained for adopting lake to revive it.

To provide a facelift to the Kumaragiri Lake in Ammapet, work began on Sunday to desilt the lake, strengthen the bunds and establish a park at a cost of Rs. 70 lakh.

The 39.25 acre lake, which once served as a major drinking water source for the city residents, has turned into a storage canal for untreated effluents, sewage and dump yard for plastic materials resulting in a breeding place for mosquitoes and posing a health hazard to the citizens.

Hence, in order to restore its lost significance, members of Salem Citizens Forum had prepared a plan and obtained permission from the Corporation for adopting the lake to revive it.

“The lake will be desilt, bunds strengthened and four bunds will be created apart from planting 6,000 trees in a replica of Mookeneri model so as to create a bird sanctuary,” a member of the forum said.

A park would be established, pedestrian way would be created for senior citizens apart planting fruit bearing trees that would benefit the people, the member added.

The main objective is to increase the water storage capacity in the lake, treat the effluent water and allow it to enter the lake and remove garbage dumped along the lake, added the members.

They also wanted the people to contribute generously to the project so that the benefit is also reaped by the future generations.

To create awareness among the people about protecting Nature, students and members of various organisations also took out a rally around the lake on Sunday.

A ‘Save Kumaragiri Lake Campaign’ was also launched recently by the forum.