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Once a public toilet, now a budget canteen

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The Times of India                  17.04.2013 

Once a public toilet, now a budget canteen

CHENNAI: The new Amma budget canteen in Thirumangalam was once a public toilet. Hard-pressed to meet the deadline fixed by the Chennai Corporation for setting up a canteen in the area, the AIADMK councillor got to work and the facility in Officer's Colony that had remained locked for more than four years is now a place where, on an average, about 4,000 idlis and 2,500 plates of sambar rice and curd rice are sold daily.

A corporation official said about 5 lakh had been spent for the renovation. "Asbestos sheets were put up on the sides and the ambience has been completely changed," he said. "Many didn't know about the toilet and no one now cares as we offer food at very cheap rates," he said.

The decision to remodel the toilet, Ambattur unit AIADMK secretary and 89th ward councillor V Alexander, said, "was because the unused toilet had become a haven for antisocials and illegal activities. The toilet, following representations from the public, has been relocated to a spot in a playground."

The canteen, which is spread over 1,000 sq ft, has become popular with people in the area, Alexander said. "People have begun queueing up in front of the canteen from very early in the morning. And all those who said it would be a failure are now astonished by its huge success," he said.

The corporation, which has been running the budget canteens in 73 places in the city since February, later opened canteens in 127 more places. It now plans to open more canteens.

With very little breathing time for identifying places to establish the facilities, many councillors and corporation's zonal officials began looking for unused places. Some modified community halls, while others built an additional room in the existing ward or zonal offices.
Last Updated on Wednesday, 17 April 2013 12:17