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More Amma canteens open

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Deccan Chronicle                 03.06.2013

More Amma canteens open

Chief minister J. Jayalalithaa launches inclusion of new servings at Amma canteens in Chennai through video 
conferencing at a function held at the Secretariat Sunday. Chennai Mayor Saidai Duraisamy, MAWS secretary Phanindra Reddy and Chennai
Chief minister J. Jayalalithaa launches inclusion of new servings at Amma canteens in Chennai through video conferencing at a function held at the Secretariat Sunday. Chennai Mayor Saidai Duraisamy, MAWS secretary Phanindra Reddy and Chennai corporation commissioner Vikram Kapoor are also seen. — DC

Chennai: Encouraged by the res­ponse evoked among Ch­e­nn­aiites, the state government on Sunday extended the low-budget eateries, Amma canteens, to other cor­porations in the state.

Chief minister J. Jaya­lal­ithaa, as announced in the Assembly a few weeks ago, launched 90 new canteens in nine corporations, 10 ea­ch, from the secretariat th­rough video-conferencing. Besides, she also in­t­roduced the much-awaited breakfast menu inclusion of pongal-sambar, and curry leaves rice and le­mon rice for lunch at Chennai’s 200 canteens.

The Amma canteens, aimed at providing heal­t­hy food at affordable price, are bound to cheer hundr­eds of workers, poor and mi­ddle-income groups bel­onging to the nine cor­pora­tions - Madurai, Tir­uc­hy, Coimbatore, Tiru­ne­lveli, Salem, Tirupur, Thoo­thukudi, Vellore and Erode – who would get to taste the south Indian fare of idli–sambar in the mor­nings, while sambar rice and curd rice would form the lunch menu.

This launch follows the announcement made by Jayalalithaa in the As­sembly on May 16 that the ‘ins­tant hit’ Amma cante­ens would be extended to ni­ne other corporations. At present, each city wou­ld get 10 eateries, in all 90 ca­n­teens, which would be ex­tended to other parts of these corporations, based on the response from the pu­blic.

The budget canteens lau­nched in Chennai Feb­ru­ary this year became a sm­ash hit among labourers, migrant workers and other sections of society as idlis sold for Rs1 a piece, curd rice for Rs 3 and sambar rice for Rs 5.

This apart, the CM also kept her word by extending the menu  by introducing pongal-sambar, heal­thy curry leaves rice and sumptuous lemon rice dishes, all priced at Rs 5 a plate. Che­n­nai budget eateries would so­on include chappathi (rotis) and dhal in their menu.

Chief secretary Sheela Balakrishnan and Maws secretary Phanindra Red­dy were present at the function.