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Canteens offer lip-smackng fare

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Deccan Chronicle                 04.06.2013

Canteens offer lip-smackng fare

Chennai: The newly introduced dishes, pongal, lemon rice and curry leaf rice, at Amma canteen were an instant hit with the sale of pongal crossing the 30,000-plates-mark on Monday.
Lemon and curd rice sales recorded close to 20,000 packets.

According to Chennai corporation sources, the introduction of pongal has increased the number of footfalls to canteens. However, the exact number in the increase of consumers  can be ascertained only by next month and at present the focus in on sustaining the quality, a senior corporation official said.

The sale of idlis which was hovering around 3 lakh mark has come down to 2.5. lakh after the  introduction of new dishes, he added. "Pongal is good and it will be tasty if a vada is also served with it," said D. Arumugham, a cab driver and a regular at Amma canteen in Kodambakkam.