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Now, get pickles at Amma canteens

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The New Indian Express            07.06.2013

Now, get pickles at Amma canteens

Amma Unavagams here have introduced pickles to be served with curd rice, from Thursday. 

As no vegetable curry was being served with rice items, people had been bringing packets of pickle from outside to eat with curd rice. Following this, pickle was introduced at the canteens. On Thursday, lemon pickle was served with no extra amount charged.

“Eating plain curd rice is a bit difficult,” said Vimaladevi, who was happy that pickle was served with curd rice.

Commissioner P Janaki Raveendran said, “According to availability, pickle varieties such lemon, mango and garlic would be served.” The local body has also asked for self-help groups to supply the pickle, she added further.

Vellore mayor P Karthiyayini and deputy mayor V D Dharmalingam inspected the Anna Salai canteen on Thursday, in this regard.