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50 old buildings give Corporation the jitters

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The Hindu               19.08.2013

50 old buildings give Corporation the jitters

Shastry V. Mallady

They are more than 60 years old, with damaged roofs

Two thickly populated wards in the city are under the building safety scanner as an enquiry launched by the Madurai Corporation has revealed that 50 buildings in these two areas are over 60 years old.

The details were gathered by the authorities following a decision taken to assess the stability and strength of old buildings after a spate of building collapse incidents were reported in various towns and cities.

A team of officials are now analysing these buildings located in ward number 67 (Pandhadi) and ward number 74 (Mahal area) since the report had cited “roof damage” in some of these structures.

“We are yet to come to a conclusion whether the old buildings in these two wards are dangerous or not. These 50 buildings have to be inspected because they were constructed 60 years ago,” M.Rakkappan, Chief Town Planning Officer, Madurai Corporation, said. After receiving the particulars on Friday, he told “The Hindu” that dangerous and unsafe structures have to be demolished if they endanger human safety.

“We want the help of Public Works Department because they are the competent authority to assess the building stability and say whether any demolition notice has to be issued to the owners,” he said.

Mr.Rakkappan has suggested that the owners of these 50 old buildings should voluntarily go for Self Assessment Report in order to find the strength of the building.

“Just by taking into account the age of the building we can’t’s say if the structure is weak. If the PWD takes up inspection, it will be helpful,” he added.

The Town Planning Wing of the corporation which has to do voluminous work with regard to plan approvals, violations and encroachments seems to be struggling due to shortage of staff.