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Mayor receives petitions

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The Hindu               22.08.2013

Mayor receives petitions

Staff Reporter

As part of an innovative approach of ‘Corporation administration going to people’, the officials and civic body representatives on Tuesday visited people in the ward 30 to hear their grievances and carry out mass cleaning operations.

Mayor Visalakshi Appukutty said the administration had carried out development works to the tune of Rs. 2.05 crore in the ward 30 in the last two years.

On the day, the Mayor and Corporation Commissioner K.R. Selvaraj received a total of 363 petitions from the people.

Many of the requests were for more infrastructure facilities like creation of additional storm water drains and improved water supply, among others.

Deputy Mayor S. Gunasekaran and councillors also took part in the coordination of cleaning carried out along the streets in the ward 30.