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Amma canteens in city awarded ISO for hygienic practices

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The Times of India            15.02.2014

Amma canteens in city awarded ISO for hygienic practices

MADURAI: Amma Canteens, one of the flagship schemes of the AIADMK government aimed at providing low-cost food to the public, has bagged ISO ( International Organisation for Standardization) certification in Madurai.

Mayor V V Rajan Chellappa said that four Amma Canteens run by the Madurai Corporation have bagged the ISO certification for the first time ever since the eateries were established across the state.

"The certificates were awarded for hygienic food preparation and serving practices," Rajan Chellappa said. The certificates were awarded for the canteens at K Pudur, Santhaipettai, Tiruparankunram and Melavasal on February 4.

These canteens were started, along with six others, in key localities of the city in June last year soon after Jayalalithaa made an announcement. The canteens outsourced to SHGs were an instant hit in Madurai and crowd thronged the outlets everyday. The 300 plates of sambar rice, curd rice and idlis sold like hot cakes. While low-cost food was the salient feature of the canteens, the dishes also satisfied the taste buds of the public. The corporation had planned to open 90 more canteens - one each in every ward - but had to go slow on the project due to funds crunch. The civic body had to incur Rs 27 lakh expenditure for each of the canteens every year. The net loss from the 10 canteens was estimated at Rs 3.9 crore as the returns from sale would be only Rs 1.29 crore as against the investment and recurring expenditure of Rs 5.2 crore.

"We have so far spent Rs 2.4 crore so far for the 10 canteens," Chellappa said.

In addition to the canteens, Chellappa said that Eco Park, the lung space in the heart of the city, the swimming pool near Gandhi Museum, the integrated bus terminus at Mattuthavani have also been granted ISO certification. "In all Madurai corporation has bagged seven ISO awards, a record of sorts," Chellappa said.

He said that efforts would be taken to obtain ISO certificate for the remaining canteens also.