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Elliot’s Beach in a ‘Glass’ of its own

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The New Indian Express 18.12.2009

Elliot’s Beach in a ‘Glass’ of its own

CHENNAI: The Chennai Corporation may have taken credit for spending only Rs. 2.43 crores in the beautification of the Besant Nagar beach but a scientific survey conducted by “Reclaim our Beaches Campaign”, a collective of environmental activists, has brought out startling facts that prove that the Corporation, obsessed with beautification, has actually lost sight of other, important, civic issues.

The survey says that the 800- metre long Besant Nagar beach has only two trashcans placed at either end, with the result that most of the trash litters the sands. Further, it alleges, that at least 1,735 pieces of broken glass were found strewn on the sands apart from 8500 plastic cups, 8000 pieces of silver foil and other nondescript items, taking the tally to 20,000 objects.

Siddharth Hande, a member of the campaign, says, “ Our survey shows Elliot’s Beach should be renamed as ‘Broken Glass Beach’. The trash makes it extremely unsafe for people to walk. It is high time we as responsible citizens woke up and start creating awareness and worked towards bringing all the stakeholders together to find solutions.” The group is trying to campaign at all levels. Sharadha Shankar, another member, said, “ We are planning to make this campaign all-inclusive.

We need everybody’s support to bring about a change. We are on talks with the hawkers, the people who use the beach, and also, after December, we plan to focus on school children.” As a fundraiser, the band Junkyard Groove is all set to groove for the cause on December 20 evening at ‘Space’ at No.1, Elliot’s Road. They plan to have a beach cleaning drive on January 30 and 31. For more details, readers can contact: 9600040682.

Last Updated on Friday, 18 December 2009 10:36