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Salzer to maintain street lights

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The Hindu 23.12.2009

Salzer to maintain street lights

Staff Reporter

– Photo: M. Periasamy.

Rajesh Duraiswamy

COIMBATORE: Salzer Electronics, which has taken up maintenance and operation of the street lights in Coimbatore, is hopeful of achieving minimum 30 per cent saving in the energy consumed by the lights through its product – Salzer Energy Saver.

Rajesh Duraiswamy, Joint Managing Director of Salzer Electronics, told presspersons here on Monday that under the five-year project, the company would install energy savers and maintain the 34,000 street lights in Coimbatore Corporation area. It would invest nearly Rs. 8.5 crore and maintain and operate the system for five years.

The system would consist of a control cabinet fitted to every service connection and a central monitoring system. The switching on and switching off of the lights and controlling the brightness would be done through a central control room.

The company was also replacing the non-burning lamps and hoped to control it to less than two per cent from January.

The non-burning lamps would be identified from the control station. The connected load of the street lights was about five MW.

The street lights consumed about 63,000 units a day.

It was estimated that the corporation would be able to achieve nearly Rs. 2.5 crore savings annually through energy conservation.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 23 December 2009 02:01