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Microchips to keep tabs on domestic dogs in Pondy

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Deccan Chronicle 19.01.2010

Microchips to keep tabs on domestic dogs in Pondy

January 19th, 2010
By Our Correspondent

Jan. 18: The Puducherry municipality has mooted a proposal to implant microchips in pet dogs in the Union Territory to keep a strict tab on the condition of their health including their vaccination details and for easy identification.

It has identified a private agency for procuring the microchips and would supply them at cost price to dog-breeders. To start with, the microchips will be implanted in domestic dogs in Puducherry municipal limits from April this year.

“A total of 13,109 domestic dogs in Puducherry municipal limits would be implanted with microchips. The microchip, the size of a rice grain, is implanted under the skin of the animal between its neck and shoulder blades by using a syringe. The chip contains a unique identification number that is registered by an electronic reader. Based on the response from dog-breeders, the project would be expanded to other municipalities in the Union Territory,” municipal commissioner D. Asokan told this newspaper.

“Very often it becomes difficult to trace the owner of a dog that has been abandoned on the streets. By ensuring that all domestic dogs are registered, municipal officials can now easily identify the owner and settle ownership disputes,” municipality veterinary medical officer S. Gandhimathi said.

The microchips will contain complete information about the dog, including its age, details of anti-rabies vaccination, owner’s name, address and telephone number. The unique identity numbers embedded on the chips will stay with the animal for the rest of its life and cannot be duplicated.

The process would put an end to the cumbersome procedure of issuing collar straps and metal batches while granting licences to domestic dogs.