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Towns and Cities

More heritage buildings to be added to second list

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The Hindu                  18.04.2013

More heritage buildings to be added to second list

The Madras High Court is one of the buildings on the list —Photo: V. Ganesan
The Madras High Court is one of the buildings on the list —Photo: V. Ganesan

The second draft list of heritage buildings in the Chennai Metropolitan Area will be completed in 2013-2014.

The Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority (CMDA) is in the process of readying the list, which will comprise buildings to be protected and conserved.

The CMDA has already approved a first list of 67 such buildings compiled by the heritage conservation committee (HCC).

The second list will have many more buildings, officials said.

-More than half of the structures/precincts that figure on the first list are government buildings.

Once the list has been completed, the CMDA will invite property owners and explain the significance of these structures to them, with the help of documents that prove their heritage value and significance.

The CMDA will then send the list, along with its recommendations and recorded objections, to the State government for notification.

After the notification of a building as a heritage structure, the onus of repair and maintenance will be on the property owners.

The owners will be forbidden from demolishing the structures but will be asked to repair the structures themselves, officials said.


Once a public toilet, now a budget canteen

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The Times of India                  17.04.2013 

Once a public toilet, now a budget canteen

CHENNAI: The new Amma budget canteen in Thirumangalam was once a public toilet. Hard-pressed to meet the deadline fixed by the Chennai Corporation for setting up a canteen in the area, the AIADMK councillor got to work and the facility in Officer's Colony that had remained locked for more than four years is now a place where, on an average, about 4,000 idlis and 2,500 plates of sambar rice and curd rice are sold daily.

A corporation official said about 5 lakh had been spent for the renovation. "Asbestos sheets were put up on the sides and the ambience has been completely changed," he said. "Many didn't know about the toilet and no one now cares as we offer food at very cheap rates," he said.

The decision to remodel the toilet, Ambattur unit AIADMK secretary and 89th ward councillor V Alexander, said, "was because the unused toilet had become a haven for antisocials and illegal activities. The toilet, following representations from the public, has been relocated to a spot in a playground."

The canteen, which is spread over 1,000 sq ft, has become popular with people in the area, Alexander said. "People have begun queueing up in front of the canteen from very early in the morning. And all those who said it would be a failure are now astonished by its huge success," he said.

The corporation, which has been running the budget canteens in 73 places in the city since February, later opened canteens in 127 more places. It now plans to open more canteens.

With very little breathing time for identifying places to establish the facilities, many councillors and corporation's zonal officials began looking for unused places. Some modified community halls, while others built an additional room in the existing ward or zonal offices.
Last Updated on Wednesday, 17 April 2013 12:17

TN to sell 1 lakh t rice at Rs 20/kg

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Business Line                 17.04.2013

TN to sell 1 lakh t rice at Rs 20/kg

The Tamil Nadu Government on Wednesday launched a market intervention programme to control rice prices by selling one lakh tonnes of rice at Rs 20 a kg.

The move is in line with the announcement in the budget when the State Government said it would strengthen the programme by doubling the price stabilisation fund to Rs 100 crore to buy and distribute essential commodities at cost price.

The market intervention fund was announced last year.

The rice will be sold in the open market at Rs 20 a kg through cooperative stores and special outlets.

The Chief Minister J. Jayalalithaa launched the programme from the Tamil Nadu Civil Supplies Corporation’s warehouse complex in Nandanam, said an official press release.

The rice will be available in the Civil Supplies Corporation-run Amudham retail outlets, cooperative stores and special outlets to be opened.


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