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Towns and Cities

Call to improve basic amenities in 15 Velampalayam Municipality

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The Hindu  15.12.2010

Call to improve basic amenities in 15 Velampalayam Municipality

Staff Reporter

CPI cadre observe fast in front of municipal office
— Photo: M. Balaji .

In unison:CPI members observing a fast in front of 15 Velampalayam Municipality in Tirupur on Monday.

Tirupur: Outcry over pathetic infrastructure in 15 Velampalayam Municipality is mounting daily as residents are confronted with dry taps owing to erratic water supply and non-functioning street lights, among other issues, despite raising the matter to the authorities concerned on many occasions.

On Monday, the Communist Party of India members observed fast in front of the municipal office demanding steps to increase the frequency of drinking water supply and improve basic amenities on a war footing.

CPI state secretariat member and former MP K. Subbarayan said it was sad that a municipality, which would be merged with the Tirupur Corporation next year, could supply drinking water to its residents only once in 20 days.

Last week, there were series of agitations by public and councillors, cutting across the party lines, over the apathy shown by the municipal officials on their demands for improvement in water supply.

CPI district secretary M. Ravi, who led the fast on Monday, asked the administration to repair the faulty street lights immediately to prevent the rising incidence of chain snatching and other crimes in the area.

The huge delays in issuance of ration cards to the applicants, lack of adequate storm water drains and battered roads in the municipal areas were also criticised by the CPI men.

Another demand put forward by Mr. Ravi was the need to set up a transformer at the eastern side of Theneerpandhal colony for providing quality power to the consumers in the locality.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 15 December 2010 06:36

Velachery lake to be developed into a tourist spot

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The Hindu  11.12.2010

Velachery lake to be developed into a tourist spot

Staff Reporter

CHENNAI: The Chennai Corporation will develop the Velachery lake into a tourist attraction. Facilities for boating in the existing 49 acres of the waterbody would be launched by the civic body. Another six acre of the lake area is under encroachment.

Inspecting the lake on Thursday, Mayor M. Subramanian said “The boating facilities will be developed at a total cost of Rs.5 crore. The area will soon become one of the preferred tourist destinations in the city.”

A 750-metre-long tiled walkway would be constructed along a side of the lake. Landscaping with park benches would also be done on the sides of the lake.

A two-metre-wide stretch along the lake would be earmarked for the purpose.

In order to avoid reduction in the area of the lake, floating decks would be constructed with pile foundation without filling the lake.

The Corporation would also take measures to prevent sewer discharge in the lake and reduce pollution of water, he said. Chennai Metrowater would construct a new pumping station at an estimated cost of Rs.2 crore for this purpose.

Many illegal sewer discharge points have been identified along the Raj Bhavan canal which discharges water in the lake.

Parking area was initially planned to be developed by filling a portion of the lake. But the civic body is planning to get parking lots in nearby areas without filling the water body.

A piece of land nearby belonging to the Tamil Nadu Housing Board has been found to be suitable for constructing parking lot for the vehicles of visitors to the lake.

Last Updated on Saturday, 11 December 2010 07:18

Velachery: Plans to start boating service

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The New Indian Express  10.12.2010

Velachery: Plans to start boating service

CHENNAI: Efforts were on by the Chennai Corporation to restore the Velachery lake to its original glory, which would make flooding during monsoon a thing of the past, said Mayor M Subramaniam.

After inspecting the Velachery lake on Thursday for developing it as a tourist spot with fun-boating facilities, Subramaniam told Express, “The chances of flooding in the area in future will be curtailed to a certain extent as banks of the lake will be strengthened and its storage capacity considerably increased after desilting under the proposed lake beautification project.”

To a question about flood mitigation in the locality during monsoon rains, Subramaniam said, “To release the excess water from the lake, the civic body is constructing an additional canal to link it with the Buckingham Canal at an estimated cost of  `138 crore.”

Mayor to visit flood-affect Velachery parts on Friday

Mayor Subramaniam on Thursday said that he would be visiting flood-affected areas in Velachery on Friday. When asked why he hasn’t visited the area yet, the Mayor said that he was visiting heavily affected parts of the city in the last few days.

Last Updated on Friday, 10 December 2010 11:42

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