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Towns and Cities

All-party meet on parking fee

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The Hindu  29.09.2010

All-party meet on parking fee

Staff Reporter

Indiscriminate parking fee plaints to be addressed

CHENNAI: The Chennai Corporation will soon hold an all-party meeting to discuss measures to tackle collection of indiscriminate parking fee in commercial complexes and multiplexes in the city.

Addressing a press briefing after the council meeting on Tuesday, Mayor M. Subramanian said steps, including levying tax for the parking space, would be discussed.

This was in response to opposition leader Saidai P.Ravi's complaint that several multiplexes charged parking fee on an hourly basis. He also wanted a special team to be formed to address the issue of mosquito breeding.

Approval for strengthening the Kodambakkam Bridge at a cost of Rs.3.92 crore and suggestions on spending the prize money of Rs.1 lakh received by three Chennai schools for achieving centum pass percentage in XII and X public examinations were some of the 23 resolutions that were passed at the meeting.

Mr. Subramanian said the civic body was in the process of strengthening subways and bridges in nine locations at a total cost of Rs.3.66 crore. Furniture and materials worth Rs.2.67 crore for the upcoming offices in zone 2 and zone 5 would be obtained from the Tamil Nadu Small Industries Corporation.

On councillors' complaints about streetlights not functioning properly, he said the number of such complaints had come down. Pipeline laying work on Cemetery Road, Royapuram would be finished soon and the road would be re-laid.

Earlier, a group of Congress councillors walked out of the hall and raised slogans demanding resignation of Mr. Saidai Ravi.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 29 September 2010 11:22

Chennai corporation to regulate parking fee at private parking lots

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The Times of India            29.09.2010

Chennai corporation to regulate parking fee at private parking lots

CHENNAI: Responding to complaints about high costs of parking motor vehicles in the city, the Chennai Corporation is planning to regulate parking fees at private parking lots.

Shopping malls and private recreation centres in the city have been charging Rs 10 and 20 per hour for a two-wheeler and Rs 50 and 60 per hour for a car. "Initially, the parking fee for two-wheelers at a shopping mall on Radhakrishnan Salai was Rs 5. All of a sudden it was increased to Rs 10. It is high time they were regulated," said PN Peter of Adyar.

B Vijesh, a software engineer, had to pay Rs 216 for parking his two wheeler at a new shopping mall off Anna Salai. "I went there for a movie and was there for six hours. Moreover, they do not even guarantee the safety of the vehicle," he said.

The issue was raised by Chennai Corporation opposition leader Saidai P Ravi at the corporation council meeting on Tuesday. Later speaking to The Times of India, Ravi said the corporation must use OSR land for parking. "Private buildings fix their own rates for parking. I have asked the local body to either eliminate parking charges or to take commercial tax from private parties who use OSR land for parking," he said.

Ravi also said that by adopting this method, OSR land would be considered a commercial plot and the local body could use the money earned to set up public utilities. "The corporation should not allow private companies to use the land for parking free-of-cost. This will put an end to fleecing," he said.

Responding to his statement, mayor M Subramanian said the local body had been making efforts to resolve the issue. "A meeting with all the party members of the council will be held to arrive at a solution. This is a complex issue, since it involves both the corporation and the private sector. We will also have to take legal opinion on the matter," the mayor said.
Last Updated on Saturday, 20 November 2010 10:52

Poor sanitary conditions deplored

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The Hindu      24.09.2010

Poor sanitary conditions deplored

Special Correspondent

SALEM: Councillors cutting across party affiliations highlighted in one voice their common grievance on poor sanitary conditions and the menace of stray dogs in the city.

Participating in the council meeting here on Thursday which Mayor J. Rekha Priyadarshini presided over, the councillors, including DMK's Masilamani, said that stray dogs had proliferated in all areas especially in Advaitha Ashramam Road and other adjoining areas in Fairlands and also in Mullai Nagar.

They asked the Corporation Health Department to immediately intervene and save the citizens from them.

They also claimed that stray pigs had been causing health problems.

Commissioner Dr. K. S. Palanisamy said that special committees would be formed in all divisions to tackle the menace. The menace of stray dogs and pigs would be tackled firmly.

The delay in the works of Vellakuttai channel and the demolition of Karuvattu bridge had been posing severe hardships to the residents, councillor Sarala Gunasekaran pointed out.

Councillor Jayaprakash from Congress demanded that lorry market in Sevvapet should be shifted to a place outside the city to overcome traffic problems.

Councillor Dhanasekaran said that the private firm SRP, which had undertaken sanitary works, was not able to clear garbage due to lack of manpower. Their works should be reviewed immediately, he said. The Commissioner said that works in Vellakuttai channel would be completed soon.

Mayor Rekha Priyadarshini pointed out that land for the lorry market would be identified soon. She said that drive against plastic would be launched in the city soon.

Last Updated on Friday, 24 September 2010 04:39

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